A very satisfying little drama about the proverbial worm turning. Jamie
(Jamie Wells), a married person who has experienced difficulties with his family in the past, is unexpectedly fired from his
job by unfeeling boss Sandra (Maria McMillan). His protests fall on deaf ears: Sandra accuses him of falling below the 95%
attendance level required for the job, and of not performing up to standard while in work. The fact that she has conveniently
forgotten to log the reason for his absence - family difficulties - is conveniently overlooked.
However Jamie gains sweet revenge; he finds out that Sandra will be briefly away
from her office, to be replaced by a temp from the local agency. Originally the temp was expected to be a man with a Russian-sounding
name; but Jamie takes on the man's identity and assumed Sandra's job. Immediately the annual sales figures increas: Jamie
proves surprisingly good in the role. As a result his boss Richard (Tyler Dane) offers him Sandra's job, while Sandra
is 'promoted' on her return.
Jamie Wells' play shows how people can transform failure into success through ingenuity
and hard work - so long as they are given the chance to do so. The characters are well drawn, despite the play's comparative
brevity (just over twelve minutes). I hope this talented writer goes on to produce more intriguing plays.