Baczkiewicz, Sebastian, Altaban the Magnificent (1999), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 3 March 2015
______, Mr. Rainbow, BBC Radio 3, 16 May 2015
______, Zeus and Semele, BBC Radio 4, 3 March 2008
Bagnold, Enid, The Chalk Garden, BBC Radio 3, 13 March 2011
______, dramatized by Peter Flannery, National Velvet, BBC Radio 4, 25-26 December 2013
Baiden, Sarah, The Block Part 2 - Bump in the Night, Grapevine AV, April 2012
Bailey, Arthur Scott, read by Stefania Lintonbon, The Adventures of Buster Bumblebee, AudioMysteryfym.com
Bainbridge, Beryl, adapted by Jane Rogers, The Bottle Factory Outing, BBC Radio 4, 29 May 2011
Balchin, Nigel, The Small Back Room, BBC Radio 4, 26 April 2008
Ballard, J. G., dramatized by Graham White, Concrete Island, BBC Radio 4, 23 June 2013
______, dramatized by Graham White, The Drowned World, BBC Radio 4, 16 June 2013
Ballentine, John, The Master's Hungry Children, Campfire Radio Theater, 12 May 2012
Balzac, Honore de, translated by Marion Ayton Crawford, abridged by Sally Marmion, Cousin Bette, BBC Radio 4, 2-13 January
______, dramatized by Rose Tremain, Eugénie Gradet (2014), Dir. Gordon House. Perf. Ian McKellen, Alison Pettit, Shirley Dixon.
BBC Radio 4 Extra, 2-3 March 2015.
______, adapted by Adrian Penketh, The Wild Asses' Skin, BBC Radio 4, 21 January 2011
Banks, Iain M., The State of the Art, adapted by Paul Cornell, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 2009
_____, BBC Radio 4, 29 April 2011
Banks, Lynne Reid, adapted by Juliet Ace, The L-Shaped Room, BBC Radio 7, 26 June - 3 July 2010
Bardon, Jonathan, A Narrow Sea, BBC Foyle, 3 January - 25 March 2011
Barker, Howard, In the Depths of Dead Love, BBC Radio 3, 1 December 2013
Barnes, Julian, dramatized by Julia Stoneham, Talking It Over, BBC Radio 4, 9 June 2012
Barrie, J.M., adapted by Fiona Kelcher, The Admirable Crichton, BBC Radio 4, 2 May 2009
_____, adapted by Philip Glasborough, Peter Pan, BBC Radio 7, 10-13 May 2010
Barstow, Stan, adapted by Diana Griffiths, A Kind of Loving, BBC Radio 4, 12-23 July 2010
Bart, Lionel, Talk About Lionel, BBC Radio 4, 17 February 2009
Bartlett, Mike, Cock, BBC Radio 3, 20 November 2011
______, A Steal, BBC Radio 4, 30 March - 3 April 2015
Bates, H. E., adapted by Maddy Fredericks, Fair Stood the Wind for France, BBC Radio 4, 15-22 November 2009
_____, adapted by Vivienne Allen, Love for Lydia, BBC Radio 7, 17-24 January 2010
Baum, L. Frank, adapted by Linda Marshall Griffiths, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, BBC Radio 4, 19 December 2009
Baczkiewicz, Sebastian, Arabian Afternoons: The Casper Logue Affair, BBC Radio 4, 29 March 2010
Baldwin, James, adapted by Neil Bartlett, Giovanni's Room, BBC Radio 3, 5 September 2010
Banks, Iain M., abridged by Peter Mackie, Stonemouth, BBC Radio 4, 19-30 March 2012
Baxter, Craig, Like Confessing a Murder (a life of Charles Darwin), BBC World Service, 14 February 2009
Bean, Adrian, and Hendy, David, Between Two Worlds. BBC Radio 3, 25 July 2010
Bean, Adrian, Cry for Me: The Battle of Goose Green, BBC Radio 4, 29 May 2012
Beaumarchais, adapted by David Timson, The Marriage of Figaro, BBC Radio 3, 26 December 2010
Beckett, Samuel, Embers/ Krapp's Last Tape, BBC Radio 3, 16 May 2010
Bedford, Bruce. Black Ice (2012), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 29 January 2015
Beeston, Peter, The Last Person in this Place, Cornucopia Radio, December 2011
Bellinger, Stephan A., War of the Martians, based on the original broadcast War of the Worlds by Orson Welles, 1978
Bennett, Alan, An Englishman Abroad, BBC Radio 7, 9 May 2009
______, adapted by Gordon House, Cocktail Sticks, BBC Radio 4, 3 January 2015
_____ , Forty Years On, adapted by Gordon House, BBC Radio 7, 10 May 2009
_____, adapted by Gordon House, The Lady in the Van, BBC Radio 4, 1 January 2011
_____ , The Last of the Sun, BBC Radio 7, 9 May 2009
_____, Talking Heads, BBC Radio 7, 5 March 2011
______, Two in Torquay, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 9 January 2014
______, A Visit from Miss Prothero, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 20 May 2013
Bennett, Arnold, adapted by Helen Edmundson, Anna of the Five Towns, BBC Radio 4, 6-13 March 2011
_____, adapted by Chris Harrald, The Grand Babylon Hotel, BBC Radio 4, 18-25 January 2009
Bennett-Jones, Owen (presenter), Blasphemy and the Governor of Punjab, BBC Radio 4, 8 September 2012
Benson, E. F., adapted by Ned Sherrin, Miss Mapp, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 17 April 2011
Bergman, Ingmar, adapted by Sharon Oakes, Fanny and Alexander, BBC Radio 3, 29 March - 5 April 2015
Bessada, Maisa, The Destiny of Special Agent Ace Galaksi, AceGalaksi,com, 2013
Bhuchar, Sudha, My Name Is ..., BBC Radio 4, 2 March 2015
Bierce, Ambrose, Parker Addison, Philosopher, BBC Radio 7, 24 March 2010
Binchy, Maeve, Short Stories, BBC Radio 4, 17-21 December 2012
Bisson, Terry, They're Made Out of Meat, Studio 360, 14 November 2011
Blackburn, Julia, The Need for Nonsense, BBC Radio 4, 9 February 2009
Blackman, Malorie, dramatized by Janice Okoh, Noughts and Crosses, BBC Radio 4, 25 February 2012
Blakeson, Ken, Bearing the Cross, BBC Radio 4, 7 August 2009
Bleksley, Peter, Blue Flu, BBC Radio 4, 6 February 2012
Bliss, Sir Arthur, Morning Heroes, BBC Radio 3, 16 May 2015
Blixen, Karen, dramatised by Judith Adams, Out of Africa, BBC Radio 4, 25-29 April 2011
Blyton, Enid, A Fine Defence of Enid Blyton, BBC Radio 4, 19 April 2009
Bocaccio, remixed by Robin Brooks, Decameron Nights, BBC Radio 3, 7-14 December 2014
Bond, Dan, and Brian Macken, Jane Grey: Action Mathematician, Action Science Theatre, June 2012
______, Space Stationary, Action Science Theatre, 31 July 2013
Borges, Jorge Luis, Borges and Me: Libraries and Labyrinths, BBC Radio 4, 19 May 2009
Boucicault, Dion, adapted by Mark Ravenhill, The Octoroon, BBC Radio 3, 5 May 2013
Boulter, Roy, and Louise Wener, Shout to the Top, BBC Radio 2, 25 September 2012
Braithwaite, E. R., adapted by Roy Williams, To Sir with Love, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 18-19 May 2011
Brand, Neil, Joanna (2002), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 13 March 2015
______. Stan (2004), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 20 February 2015
Bray, Carys, abridged by John Peacock, Sweet Home, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 20-24 January 2015
Brazil, Angela, Richards, Hilda, and Blyton, Enid, Good Show, Clarissa!, BBC Radio 4, 8-10 March 2011
Brecht, Bertolt, Great Lives, BBC Radio 4, 6 April 2010
______, adapted by Mark Ravenhill, Jungle of Cities, BBC Radio 3, 12 May 2013
_____, and Weill, Kurt, adapted and translated by Michael Feingold, The Threepenny Opera, BBC Radio 3, 18 October 2009
Brenton, Howard, adapted by Alison Hindell, Bloody Poetry, BBC Radio 4, 20 October 2012
Brenton, Howard, Never Had It So Good (documentary), BBC Radio 4, 1 January 2009
______, and David Hare, adapted by Richard Wortley, Pravda, BBC Radio 4, 3 October 2013
Briffa, Peter, Country Life, Wireless Theatre Company, 2012
Briggs, Raymond, Gentleman Jim, BBC Radio 4, 4 May 2010
Broadbent, Jim, A Sense of History, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 21 January 2015
Bronte, Anne, Agnes Grey, adapted by Judith Adams, BBC Radio 7, 28 August 2009
Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights, adapted by Bryony Lavery, BBC Radio 7, 17-21 August 2009
_____, adapted by Jonathan Holloway, Wuthering Heights, BBC Radio 3, 27 March 2011
Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, adapted by Micheline Wandor, BBC Radio 7, 24-27 August 2009
_____ , The Professor, adapted by Rachel Joyce, BBC Radio 7, 16-23 August 2009
_____, adapted by Betty Davies, Shirley, BBC Radio 7, 21-28 February 2011
______, adapted by Rachel Joyce, Shirley, BBC Radio 4, 10-21 March 2014
Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, Anne, Branwell, Selected Poems, TextbookStuff.com, 2011
Brooks, Robin, Lewis and Tolkein: The Lost Road, BBC Radio 4, 22 November 2013
______, A Warning to the Furious, BBC Radio 4, 27 May 2009
______, and Robert Radcliffe, The Great Escape: The Justice, BBC Radio 4, 13 April 2013
Broughton, Matthew, Burning Both Ends: When Oliver Reed Met Keith Moon, BBC Radio 4, 8 December 2011
______, Demon Brother, BBC Radio 4, 22-23 January 2014
_____, Vincent Price and the Horror of the English Blood Beast, BBC Radio 4, 6 March 2010
_____, White Noise, BBC Radio 4, 10 April 2012
Brown, Gary, Beat the Dog in his Own Kennel, BBC Radio 4, 23 October 2010
Brown, Jonathan, Leaving a Legacy, TinCan Podcast, 13 March 2012
_____, We Don't Need Another Hero, Tin Can Podcast, 7 May 2012
Brown, Mark, Dark Horse Live, Tin Can Podcast, May 2012
Brown, Ray, Steinbeck in Avalon, BBC Radio 4, 14 August 2008
Brown, Tonia, read by Chris Barnes, The Cold Beneath, CDBaby.com, 2012
Browning, Robert, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, BBC Radio 4, 26 December 2011
Bryant, Joyce, Partners/ Inspection: Two Plays, BBC Radio 4, 20-21 August 2009
Bubb, Benjamin, Ben-a-Pod Podcast, 24 August 2012
Buchan, Ian, A Change in the Willows, BBC Radio 4, 7 May 2011
Buchan, John, adapted by Lavinia Greenlaw, Greenmantle, BBC Radio 7, 30-31 August 2010
_____, Huntingtower, dramatized by Trevor Royle, BBC Radio 7, 24-26 June 2009
_____ , The Thirty-Nine Steps, adapted by Bert Coules, BBC Radio 7, 22-23 June 2009
______, adapted by Vincent McConnor, CBS Studio One, 23 March 1948
Buchner, Georg, adapted by Simon Scardifield, Danton's Death, BBC Radio 3, 9 December 2012
______, translated by Gregory Motton, Woyzeck, BBC Radio 3, 20 February 2011
Buckeridge, Anthony, Jennings at School, BBC Radio 7, 24 December 2009
Bugg, James, Going Solo, Privately Recorded, 2012
_____, The More Beautiful Game, University Radio York, 26 June 2011
Bulgakov, Mikhail, adapted by Lucy Catherine, The Master and Margarita, BBC Radio 3, 15 March 2015
Bullmore, Amelia, Craven, BBC Rsdio 4, 19-23 March 2012, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 24 March 2012
____, Craven, BBC Radio 4, 27-31 August 2012
______, written by Michelle Lipton, Craven, BBC Radio 4, 10-14 February 2014
_____, Looking for Mr. King, BBC Radio 4, 3 September 2012
Bulmer, Alex, Noise, BBC Radio 4, 20 March 2012
Bunbury Banter Theatre Company, 2006 - present
Bunuel, Luis, Truffaut, Francois, and Wenders, Wim, Adventures in the Movie Business, BBC Radio 4, 29-31 March 2011
Bunyan, John, adapted by Brian Sibley, The Pilgrim's Progress, BBC Radio 7, 1-3 December 2009
Burgess, Anthony, adapted by Anjum Malik, Napoleon Rising, BBC Radio 3, 2 December 2012
Burgess, Mark, Joan and the Baron, BBC Radio 4, 7 January 2014
______, A King's Speech (George VI), BBC Radio 4, 30 April 2009
_____ , The Wrong Hero - Leslie Howard, BBC Radio 4, 6 November 2008
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, adapted by Jill Adams, The Secret Garden, BBC Radio 7, 23-28 August 2010
Burns, Robert, Creating Burns' Reputation, BBC Radio 3, 25 January 2009
Burrow, Zalie, Angel, Wireless Theatre Company, June 2015
______, Corinna Myron and Saskia Willis, The School Run, Wireless Theatre Company, 2015
Burton, Ethan, The Chosen One, BBC Radio 4, 24 June 2009
Busby, Eric, The Byron Chronicles, DarkerProjects.com, 2010-
Butt, Michael, Ambiguous Loss, BBC Radio 4, 12-14 January 2014
______, Death Duty, BBC Radio 4, 20 June 2013
______, The Killing, BBC Radio 4, 17 August 2010
_____, Peter Lorre vs. Peter Lorre, BBC Radio 4, 1 September 2008
Byatt, A. S., dramatized by Timberlake Wertenbaker, Possession, BBC Radio 4, 19 December 2011 - 6 January 2012
Byrne, Denis, Poodles, Near FM Ireland, June 2012
Byrne, Paula, abridged by Elizabeth Reeder, The Real Jane Austen, BBC Radio 4, 14-18 January 2013
Byrnes, Frances, Is Your Love Better Than Life?, BBC Radio 3, 16 February 2014
______, An Unchoreographed World (2008), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 27 March 2015
Byron, Lord, Henry James and Jan Morris, A Perpetual Love Affair (2010), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25-27 February 2015
Byron, Robert, Europe in the Looking Glass, BBC Radio 4, 13-17 February 2012
Caballero, Tony, The Katniss Chronicles, www.thekatnisschronicles.com
______, Return to The Katniss Chronicles, www.thekatnisschronicles.com
Cain, James M., adapted by Adrian Bean, The Butterfly, BBC Radio 4, 7 December 2013
______, adapted by Charlotte Greig, The Postman Always Rings Twice, BBC Radio 4, 30 November 2013
Caine, Steven, A Killer Confession, Banana Productions, April 2012
Caldwell, Lucy, Avenues of Eternal Peace, BBC Radio 4, 4 June 2009
______, The Belle Dress, BBC Radio 4, 24 November 2013
Calway, Gareth, Cromwell's Talking Head, The Reading Room, 23 July 2012
Camden, Steven, Sleeping Dogs, BBC Radio 4, 2 July 2013
Camus, Albert, adapted by John Retallack from a translation by Sandra Smith, The Outsider, BBC Radio 3, 3 October 2013
Capote, Truman, abridged by Jane Marshall, Short Stories, BBC Radio 4, 9-13 December 2013
Card, Nick, Pot Noodles and Knickers, Cornucopia Radio, 13 July 2013
Carey, John, abridged by Jill Waters, The Unexpected Professor, BBC Radio 4, 31 March - 4 April 2014
Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, The, and PCI Media Impact, Bush Melee, NBC Radio St. Vincent, 29 February 2012
Carr, Alison, Dolly Would, BBC Radio 4, 4 January 2012
Carr, J. L. adapted by Jonathan Smith, The Harpole Report, BBC Radio 4, 12-16 March 2012
_____, adapted by Dave Sheasby, A Month in the Country, BBC Radio 4, 20 November 2010
Carreira, Jackie, Man, Shoreditch Radio, 16 January 2015
Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland, dramatized by Hattie Naylor, BBC Radio 7, 12 April 2009
______, adapted by Diane Vanden Hoven, Alice in Wonderland, Voices in the Wind Audio Theater, 9 June 2013
______, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Alice Through the Looking-Glass, BBC Radio 4, 22 December 2012
Cartwright, Jim, Sung, BBC Radio 4, 27 May 2015
The Means to an End by Sarah Cartwright, BBC Radio 4, 27 June 2013
Casenove, Susan, We are the BBC, Wireless Theatre Company, June 2012
Castell, Rob, and Sadler, Tom, The Barber of Shavingham, BBC Radio 4, 24 December 2012
Cato, Kristin, The Lighted Bridge, www.thelightedbridge.com
Caulfield, Annie, Dusty Won't Play, BBC Radio 4, 12 February 2013
______, Elsie, Doris, Gert and Daisy (1996), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 29 March 2015
______, I'm Still the Same Paul, BBC Radio 3, 1 May 2011
_____. On the Field on Leave, BBC Radio 4, 28 September 2010
_____, Your Only Man, BBC Radio 3, 31 August 2008
Cervantes, Miguel de, adapted by John Arden, Don Quixote, BBC Radio 7, 21 March 2008
_____, adapted by Don Taylor and Thomas Durfey, music by Henry Purcell, Don Quixote, BBC Radio 3, 22 November 2009
Chandler, Raymond, The Big Sleep, BBC 7, 27 September 2008
_____, adapted by Robin Brooks, The Big Sleep, 5 February 2011
_____, adapted by Robin Brooks, Farewell, My Lovely, BBC Radio 4, 19 February 2011
_____, The Grim Hunters, Retro Radio Podcast, 2012, CBS Radio, March 1949
_____ , The High Window, BBC 7, 11 October 2008
_____ , The Lady in the Lake, adapted by Bill Morrison, BBC 7, 23 August 2008
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, The Lady in the Lake, BBC Radio 4, 12 February 2011
_____ , adapted by Bill Morrison, The Little Sister, BBC 7, 18 October 2008
_____, adapted by Bill Morrison, The Long Goodbye, BBC Radio 7, 25 October 2008
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, The Long Goodbye, BBC Radio 4, 1 October 2011
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Playback, BBC Radio 4, 26 February 2010
Chappell, Arthur, Wendigo Water, 3MT Radio, March 2015
Charteris, Leslie, adapted by Neville Teller and Roger Danes, The Saint Abroad (1995), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 24-26 February 2015
Chatwin, Bruce, Utz, dramatized by Gregory Norminton, BBC Radio 4, 4 July 2009
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Troilus and Criseyde, adapted by Lavinia Greenlaw, BBC Radio 4, 25 April - 2 May 2009
Cheever, John, The Enormous Radio, BBC Radio 4, 16 July 2008
Cherry, Scott, and Evans, Gregory, Tetherdown. BBC Radio 4, 6 August 2010
Chekhov, Anton, Anton Chekhov - Seven and a Half Years, BBC Radio 3, 24 January 2010
_____, adapted by Martyn Wade, The Black Mask, BBC Radio 4, 26 January 2010
_____, adapted by Sasha Dugdale, The Cherry Orchard, BBC Radio 3, 21 December 2008
_____, The House that Chekhov Built, BBC Radio 4, 19 January 2010
_____, How Chekhov Speaks to Us, BBC Radio 7, 24 January 2010
_____, translated by Constance Garnett, An Incident/ A Play, BBC Radio 7, 25-26 January 2010
_____, Life of Chekhov by Irene Nemirowsky, adapted by Michael Hastings, BBC Radio 7, 26-30 January 2010
_____, adapted by Martyn Wade, Man in a Case, BBC Radio 4, 26 January 2010
_____, adapted by Stuart Paterson, The Seagull, BBC Radio 3, 31 January 2010
______, translated by Constance Garnett, Stories, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 9-13 February 2015
_____ , Swan Song, BBC Radio 3, 6 April 2008
_____, adapted by Christopher Hampton, Uncle Vanya, BBC Radio 7, 24 January 2010
_____, adapted by Michael Frayn, Wild Honey, BBC Radio 7, 1 February 2010
Chesterton, G. K. adapted by Bert Coules, The Secret Garden, BBC Radio 4, 11 May 2011
Chilton, Charles, The Cockney, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 7 January 2014
______, Journey Into Space, BBC Radio 4, 12 April 2008
_____ , Journey Into Space - A World in Peril, BBC Radio 7, 12 May - 6 June 2009
_____, Lincoln Frees the Slaves, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 9 January 2014
Christie, Agatha, Appointment with Death, adapted by Michael Bakewell, BBC Radio 7, 21 March 2009
_____ , Cards on the Table, adapted by Michael Bakewell, BBC Radio 7, 28 March 2009
_____, adapted by Michael Bakewell, Murder on the Links, BBC Radio 7, 28 March 2010
_____, adapted by Joy Wilkinson, Towards Zero, BBC Radio 4, 20 January - 10 February 2010
Churchill, Caryl, Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, BBC Radio 3, 28 April 2013
______, adapted by Emma Harding, Serious Money, BBC Radio 3, 8 September 2013
Clanchy, Kate, Aunt Mirrie and the Child, BBC Radio 4, 15 March 2015
Clark, Colin, adapted by Robin Brooks, My Week with Marilyn, BBC Radio 4, 21-25 November 2011
Clarke, Arthur C., Rendezvous with Rama, adapted by Mike Walker, BBC Radio 7, 1-8 March 2009
Clarkson, A. J., The Blackburn Gaslight Adventures, Gypsy Audio, Jan-Apr 2013
Cleobury, Steve, and Lunn, Tony. et. al, Novo Babylonia, Fictionshed.com
Cloutier, Jamie, OCD, Playhouse of the Airwaves at Liberty University, 9 July 2012
Cochrane, Rachel, Dolly's House, Listenupnorth.com, 2012
Colegate, Isabel, adapted by D. J. Britton, The Shooting Party, BBC Radio 4, 2-6 August 2010
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. BBC Radio 7, 13 August 2010
Coll, Mary, Anything but Love, RTE Drama on One, 4 March 2012
Collins, Wilkie, adapted by Doug Lucie, The Moonstone, BBC Radio 4, 23 January - 13 February 2011
_____, dramatized by Rod Beacham, The Haunted Hotel, BBC Radio 4, 26 May 2012
_____, A Terribly Strange Bed, BBC Radio 7, 14-15 October 2009
Collodi, Carlo, adapted by Linda Marshall Griffiths, Pinocchio, BBC Radio 4, 15 December 2012
Comedy Punkz - Fanz Episode 3, August 2012
Connolly, Ray, The Lost Fortnight, BBC Radio 7, 2 February 2011
______, Sorry, Boys, You Failed the Audition, BBC Radio 4, 14 November 2013
Conrad, Joseph, screenplay by Harold Pinter, adapted by Richard Eyre, Victory, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 2015
Cook, Christopher, The Strange Case of Edgar Allan Poe, BBC Radio 7, 18 January 2009.
Cook, David, Walter Now, BBC Radio 4, 10 January 2009
Cooper, J. Fenimore, dramatized by D. J. Britton, The Spy, BBC Radio 4, 22-29 January 2012
Corwin, Norman, The Plot to Overthrow Christmas, Radio Drama Revival, December 2011
Costello, Hugh, The Crossing, BBC Radio 4, 4 February 2015
Cotter, Paul, Dropping Bombs, BBC Radio 4, 15 October 2009
Coupland, Douglas, Girlfriend in a Coma, BBC Radio 3, 5 March 2008
Coveney, Michael, adapted by Pete Nichols, Ken Campbell: The Great Caper, BBC Radio 4, 4-8 April 2011
Coward, Noel, The Better Half, BBC Radio 4, 26 May 2009
_____ , Blithe Spirit, BBC Radio 4, 13 December 2008
______, adapted by Sean O'Connor, Blithe Spirit, BBC Radio 4, 26 December 2014
_____ , adapted by Maurice Horspool, Brief Encounter, BBC Radio 2, 30 October 2009
______,adapted by Peggy Wells, Nude with Violin (1970), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 14 March 2015
______, Present Laughter, BBC Radio 4, 6 April 2013
______, Private Lives, Mercury Theatre of the Air, 21 April 1939
______, adapted by Marcy Kahan, Private Lives, BBC Radio 4, 2 January 2010
______, A Song at Twilight (1988), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 15 March 2015
_____ , The Vortex, BBC Radio 7, 17 August 2008
_____ , This Happy Breed, BBC Radio 7, 24 August 2008
Cracknell, Linda, The Lamp, BBC Radio 4, 15 December 2011
Craig, Mike, For Better or for Worse, BBC Radio 7, 20 October 2010
Crane, Stephen, The Red Badge of Courage, Audible.com (2006)
Crawford, Robert, abridged by Katrin Williams, Young Eliot, BBC Radio 4, 2-6 February 2015
Croft, Adam, Exit Stage Left, Classic Audio Productions, May 2012
Crompton, Richmal, Just William - live! BBC Radio 4 Extra, 30 December 2012
Cronin, A.J., Doctor Finlay - Adventures of a Black Bag, BBC Radio 7, 6 June 2009
Cross, Helen, Blue-Eyed Boy, BBC Radio 4, 29 November 2010
Crowe, E. V. How to Say Goodbye Properly. BBC Radio 4, 3 March 2015
Cudmore, Robert, and McLean, Matthew, Aftermath: The Lock-In, Yap Audio Productions, 2012
______, Aftermath: Doctor's Orders, Yap Audio Productions, 2012
cummings, e.e. Reads His Own Poetry, Caedmon Essentials
Dahl, Roald, dramatized by Stephen Sheridan, A Little Twist of Dahl, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 December 2012
______, adapted by Charlotte Jones, Matilda, BBC Radio 4, 20-27 December 2009
Dalton, Amanda (adapter), The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, BBC Radio 3, 26 October 2008
______, Midnight Cry of the Deathbird, BBC Radio 3, 28 October 2012
Daly, Wally K., Anything Legal, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26 March - 15 May 2015
______, Burglars' Bargains, BBC Radio 7, 17 October 2010
______ Time Slip (1983), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25 January 2015
_____, Whistling Wally's Son, BBC Radio 4, 23 May 2011
Davidson, Julie, abridged by Laurence Wareing, Looking for Mrs. Livingstone, BBC Radio 4, 10-14 December 2012
Davies, Paul B., Smoke and Mirrors, BBC Radio 4, 14 January 2009
Davies, Peter, and Woodcock, Matthew, The Monster Hunters, TheMonsterHunters.com, March 2012
Davis, Charles, The Ba Gua Etuis Box, SciFi Radio Theater, 12 February - 8 April 2012
Davis, Lennard, dramatized by Vanessa Rosenthal, Shall I Say a Kiss?, BBC Radio 4, 2 October 2012
Davis, Peter, Piercing the Veil, Hellraiser Podcast, June 2012
Deasy, Frank, Broken English, BBC Radio 4, 15 February 2008
Dees, Jonathan, Always in Season, Earbud Theater, 20 January 2013
De Groot, Domien, Will of the Woods, Audio Epics
______, The Witch Hunter Chronicles, Audio Epics, 2011
Delaney, Shelagh, Country Life/ Whoopi Goldberg's Country Life, BBC Radio 4, 17-18 June 2010
_____, A Taste of Honey, BBC Radio 4, 22 May 2008
Delderfield, R.F., To Serve Them all My Days, BBC Radio 4, 23 April 2008
Deledda, Grazia, dramatized by Linda Marshall Griffiths, Reeds in the Wind, BBC Radio 4, 26 March - 6 April 2012
De Maupassant, Guy, adapted by Adrian Penketh, Une Vie, BBC Radio 4, 29 October - 2 November 2012
De Waal, Kit, The Beautiful Thing, BBC Radio 4, 22 Mar. 2015
Dexter, Colin, adapted by Guy Meredith, Inspector Morse: Last Seen Wearing, BBC Radio 7, 17 January 2010
De Exupery, Antoine, adapted by Rod Wooden, Wind, Sand and Stars, BBC Radio 4, 18 October 2010
Diaghilev, Les Ballets Russes, BBC Radio 3, 9 August 2009
Dickens, Charles, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, The Boarding-House, BBC Radio 7, 1 May 2010
_____, adapted by John Clifford, The Chimes, BBC Radio 7, 31 December 2009
_____, adapted by Christopher Dennis, A Christmas Carol, BBC Radio 7, 27 December 2010
______, adapted by Colin Lewisohn, A Christmas Carol, Encore Audio, November 2009
_____, adapted by Anthony Palermo and George Zarr, A Christmas Carol, Voices in the Air Audio Theatre, December 2011
______, adapted by Neil Brand, BBC Radio 4, 20 December 2014
_____, dramatized by Wayne Scott, Lifehouse Theater on the Air
_____, adapted by Betty Davies, David Copperfield, BBC Radio 7, 19-31 July 2010
_____, adapted by Ray Jenkins, Great Expectations, BBC Radio 7, 12-27 April 2010
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, The Great Winglebury Duel, BBC Radio 7, 20 March 2010
_____, adapted by Doug Lucie, Hard Times, 10-15 March 2010
_____, adapted by Doug Lucie, Little Dorrit, BBC Radio 7, 7-11 December 2009
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Love and Oysters, BBC Radio 7, 10 April 2010
______, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Mr. Horatio Sparkins, BBC Radio 7, 8 May 2010
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Mr. Watkins Tottle, BBC Radio 7, 3 April 2010
_____, adapted by Nigel Bryant, Oliver Twist, BBC Radio 7, 31 October - 4 December 2009
_____, adapted by Mike Walker, Our Mutual Friend, BBC Radio 4, 9 November - 3 December 2009
_____. adapted by Barrie Campbell and Constance Cox, Pickwick Papers, 14-23 December 2009
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Sentiment, BBC Radio 7, 24 April 2010
_____, adapted by Emlyn Williams, The Signalman, BBC Radio 7, 20 December 2009
_____, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, The Steamship Excursion, BBC Radio 7, 17 April 2010
_____, adapted by Nick McCarty, A Tale of Two Cities, BBC Radio 7, 2-10 November 2009
____, dramatized by Mike Walker, A Tale of Two Cities, BBC Radio 4, 26-30 December 2011
Dobbs, Michael, A Family Affair, BBC Radio 4, 27 November 2009
Dodge, David, adapted by Jean Buchanan, To Catch a Thief, BBC Radio 4, 7 January 2011
Dolezalova, Neela, and Price, Stuart, The Brave Little Tailor and The Piper and Musicians of Bremen, Wireless Theatre Company,
December 2011
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Ilyich, The Gambler, adapted by Glyn Maxwell, BBC Radio 3, 14 June 2009
Douglas, Christopher, Dave Podmore's Cricket Weekly, BBC Radio 7, 10 August 2010
_____, Dave Podmore's Cricket Weekly, BBC Radio 7, 17 August - 21 September 2010
_____, Dolly, BBC Radio 4, 16 April 2009
_____, The Englishman Abroad, BBC Radio 7, 11 July 2009
_____, and Andrew Nickolds, Cheese Cricket. BBC Radio 4, 19 August 2010
Doyle, Andrew, The Second Mr. Bailey (2010), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 12 February 2015
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The Game's Afoot: A Sherlock Holmes Special, BBC Radio 7, 16 May 2009
_____, adapted by Bert Coules, The Hound of the Baskervilles, BBC Radio 7, 28-29 December 2009
_____, adapted by John Nicholson and Steven Canny, BBC Radio 4, 7 July 2012
_____, adapted by Chris Harrald, The Lost World, BBC Radio 4, 25 March - 1 April 2011
_____, adapted by Bert Coules, The Marlbourne Point Mystery, BBC Radio 4, 5-6 April 2010
_____ , The Remarkable Performance of Sir Frederick Merridew, adapted by Bert Coules, BBC Radio 4, 26 December 2008
_____, adapted by Michael Hardwick, Thor Bridge, BBC Radio 7, 7-8 January 2010
Doyle, Collin, The Mighty Carlins, Wireless Theatre Company, 2013
Doyle, Roddy, Not Just for Christmas, BBC Radio 4, 9 March 2012
______, adapted by Eugene O'Brien, The Van, BBC Radio 4, 28 December 2013
Dryden, Ellen, Westward Journey, BBC Radio 7, 2 May 2009
Dryden, John, Pandemic, BBC Radio 4, 26-28 March 2012
______, Scenes from a Crime, BBC Radio 4, 27 February 2015
_____, Severed Threads, BBC Radio 4, 27-29 October 2010
Duffy, Clare, The Fall, BBC Radio 4, 26 March 2008
Dumas, Alexandre, adapted by Wayne Scott, The Count of Monte Cristo, LifeHouse Theater of the Air, December 2011
______, adapted by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, The Count of Monte Cristo, BBC Radio 4, 25 November - 16 December 2012
_____, adapted by James Saunders, The Three Musketeers, BBC Radio 7, 14-21 May 2010
Du Maurier, Daphne, adapted by Richard Hamilton, The Doll, BBC Radios 3 and 4, 3-5 May 2011
_____, adapted by Lauris Morgan-Griffiths, Jamaica Inn, BBC Radio 4, 20-31 December 2010
_____, adapted by Micheline Wandor, The King's General, BBC Radio 7, 28 November 2009
_____ , Rebecca, BBC Radio 7, 3 March 2008
Dunn, Nell, adapted by Georgia Fitch, Up the Junction, BBC Radio 4, 3 September 2013
Durbridge, Francis, Paul Temple and the Gregory Affair, BBC Radio 4, 3 July - 4 September 2013
______, Paul Temple and the Vandyke Affair, BBC Radio 7, 1-5 June 2009
Eaton, Michael, Dickens in London, BBC Radio 4, 6-10 February 2012
Eaton, Michael and Brand, Neil, Waves Breaking on a Shore, BBC Radio 4, 27-28 May 2010
Ebenezer, Celyn, The Robber Bridegroom, and Parker, Gareth, The Fearless Youth, Wireless Theatre Company, December 2011
Eccentric. Paul, Rrrants: Ultimate Focus, Rrrants Collective, 2011
Edgar, David, Mary Barnes, BBC Radio 7, 7 November 2009
_____, That Summer, BBC Radio 7, 14 November 2009
_____, The Shape of the Table, BBC Radio 4, 14 November 2009
Eldridge, Jim, King Street Junior, BBC Radio 7, 27 March 2011
Eliot, George, adapted by Robert Forrest, Adam Bede, BBC Radio 7, 3-17 July 2010
_____, adapted by Robert Forrest, Daniel Deronda, BBC Radio 7, 27-29 January 2009
_____, adapted by Judith Adams, Middlemarch, BBC Radio 7, 31 January - 25 February 2011
_____, adapted by Philip Glassborow, Silas Marner, BBC Radio 7, 19-20 August 2010
Eliot, T. S., Four Quartets, BBC Radio 4, 18 January 2014
______, The Waste Land, BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2012
Ellams, Inua, Wild Blood, BBC Radio 3, 30 November 2013
Elliott, Pearse, Zurich, BBC Radio 3, 4 February 2012
Ellroy, James, adapted by Steve Chambers, My Dark Places, BBC World Service, 24 January 2009
Elsworth, Alex, The Barbie Murders, audiotheque.co.uk. n.d.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Essays, podcasts
Emery, Jack, Justice or Mercy! The Death of Charles I, BBC Radio 7, 2 August 2009
Euripides, adapted by Ellen Dryden, translated by Don Taylor, Helen, BBC Radio 3, 27 February 2011
Evans, Fiona, The Startling Truths of Old World Sparrows, BBC Radio 3, 16 March 2013
Evans, Gregory, Art and Gadg, BBC Radio 4, 15 January 2013
______, Shirleymander, BBC Radio 4, 27 November 2009
Evans, Thomas Oléron, I Wanted to be Useful, UCLU Radio Drama, 14 November 2012
Evaristo, Bernardine, dramatized by Jonathan Holloway, The Emperor's Babe, BBC Radio 4, 23 May 2013
Everett, Rupert, adapted by David Roper, Vanished Years, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 September 2012
Faits, Clayton, Our Fair City: A Post-Apocalyptic Radio Drama, OurFairCity.com, 2010-2012
______, Our Fair City Revisited, 6 June 2013
Falkner, J. Meade, Bag of Paradoxes, BBC Radio 4, 30 October 2009
_____ , Moonfleet, adapted by Nick Warburton, BBC Radio 7, 22 March 2009
Fallon, Chris, based on an idea by Fallon and Rosalynd Ward, Le Donne, BBC Radio 4, 1-5 October 2012
Farquhar, George, adapted by Glyn Dearman, The Beaux' Strategem, BBC Radio 7, 18 October 2009
_____, The Recruiting Officer, BBC Radio 3, 18 December 2011
Featherstone, Vicky, Tiffany, John, and O'Hagan, Andrew, Enquirer, BBC Radio 4, 16 November 2012
Felcetti, Kristen, The New York Crimes, www.nycrimes.com
Ferber, Edna, adapted by Moya O'Shea, Show Boat, BBC Radio 4, 20-27 February 2011
_____, Stage Door, Gypsy Audio, 2010
Ferguson, Davy, Tatoe in Space, Weird Audio Productions, 2012
Finney, Josh, adapted by Finney and Kat Rocha, Titanium Rain, audiocomics.com, 2012
Fitzgerald, Penelope, dramatized by Yvonne Antrobus, The Gate of Angels, BBC Radio 4, 10 December 2011
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, adapted by Neville Teller, The Great Gatsby, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 16-27 May 2011
_____, dramatized by Robert Forrest, BBC Radio 4, 6-13 May 2012
______, dramatized by Bill Bryden, The Last Tycoon, BBC Radio 4, 18 May 2013
Flannery, Lucy, Like a Daughter, BBC Radio 4, 9 August 2012
Fleming, Ian, adapted by Sherry Ashworth, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 3 April 2011
_____, Dr No, BBC Radio 4, 24 May 2008
_____, dramatized by Archie Scottney, From Russia with Love, BBC Radio 4, 21 July 2012
_____, adapted by Archie Scottney, Goldfinger, BBC Radio 4, 3 April 2010
_____ , You Only Live Twice, BBC Radio 7, 7 November 2008
Fleming, John, The Invisible Hand Report, RTÉ Drama On One, May 2013
Fletcher, John, The Legend of Robin Hood, BBC Radio 7, 7 June 2010
_____, Sea Change, BBC Radio 3, 29 January 2012
Flintham, Frazer, Blurred, BBC Radio 4, 11 January 2012
Foote, Horton, presented by the American Theatre Wing (2006)
Forrest, Robert, Bix: Singing the Blues, BBC Radio 3, 17 November 2013
______, The Pillow Book, BBC Radio 4, 22-26 October 2012
______, The Strange Case of the Man in the Velvet Jacket, BBC Radio 3, 21 October 2012
Forester, C. S., adapted by Paul Mendelson, The African Queen, BBC Radio 4, 21 February 2015
______, adapted by Mike Walker, The Gun, BBC Radio 4, 12 March 2011
Forster, E.M. A Room with a View, dramatized by David Wade, BBC Radio 7, 8-12 June 2009
_____, Howards End, adapted by Amanda Dalton, BBC Radio 4, 18-25 October 2009
_____, adapted by Richard Hamilton, Short Stories, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 11-12 May 2011
_____, adapted by Richard Hamilton, The Story of a Siren, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 10 May 2011
Forster, Margaret, dramatized by Rhiannon Tise, Georgy Girl, BBC Radio 4, 2-6 September 2013
Fort, Adrian, abridged by Alison Joseph, Nancy: The Story of Nancy Astor, BBC Radio 4, 15-19 October 2012
Foulds, Adam, The Broken Word, BBC Radio 4, 20 September 2013
Frame, Janet, dramatized by Anita Sullivan, An Angel at my Table, BBC Radio 4, 13-20 January 2012
Franceschild, Donna, Bridge, BBC Radio 4, 20 February 2015
Franzen, Jonathan, adapted by Marcy Kahan, The Corrections, BBC Radio 4, 5-19 January 2015
Franzmann, Vivienne, Mogadishu, BBC Radio 3, 23 October 2011
Fraser, Antonia, abridged by Katrin Williams, Perilous Question, BBC Radio 4, 13-17 May 2013
Frayn, Michael, Clouds, BBC Radio 7, 16 September 2008
______, adapted by Robin Brooks, Headlong, BBC Radio 4, 19 January 2013
_____ , Here, BBC Radio 7, 7 September 2008
______, dramatized by Archie Scottney, Skios, BBC Radio 4, 13 January 2013
Freeman, Dan, The Minister of Chance, Radiophonic Podcast, www.ministerofchance.com
______, The Minister of Chance Episode 3, www.ministerofchance.com, July 2012
French, Judith, Unseen Austen, BBC Radio 7, 25 September 2008
Freud, Sigmund, translated by Shaun Whiteside, dramatized by Deborah Levy, The Case Histories: Dora, BBC Radio 4, 11 February
Friel, Brian. Faith Healer, BBC Radio 3, 12 September 2010
_____, adapted by Michael Duke, Translations, BBC Radio 4, 4 September 2010
Frost, Robert, The Voice of the Poet, Caedmon Recordings, 1935-62
Fruits Basket, Furuba Radio Drama, March 2011 and continuing
Fugard, Athol, Master Harold ... and the Boys, BBC Radio 4, 15 January 2011
Fuller, Alexandra, abridged by Richard Hamilton, Leaving Before the Rains Came, BBC Radio 4, 16-20 February 2015
Gaiman, Neil, abridged by Doreen Estall, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, BBC Radio 4, 8-12 July 2013
Gallico, Paul, adapted by Rebecca Hughes, The Lonely, BBC Radio 4, 19 January 2010
______, adapted by Nick Warburton, The Snow Goose, BBC Radio 4, 31 May 2010
Galton, Ray, and Simpson, Alan, Cinderella Hancock, BBC Radio 7, 7 April 2010
_____, Hancock's Half Hour - The Test Match, BBC Radio 7, 11 August 2010
Ganz, Adam, The Gestapo Minutes, BBC Radio 4, 31 July 2013
______, Listening to the Generals, BBC Radio 4, 16 June 2010
_____, Nuclear Reactions, BBC Radio 4, 15 June 2010
Gardner, Neil, Saya's Last Gasp, Ladbroke Radio, 12 March 2012
______, The Sound Within, Spokenworld Audio, August 2013
Garfield, Leon, adapted by Martin Jameson, Devil in the Fog, BBC Radio 4, 24-25 December 2010
Garfield, Simon, abridged by Polly Coles, On the Map, BBC Radio 4, 8-12 October 2012
Gaskell, Elizabeth, adapted by Ellen Dryden, Ruth, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 12-14 December 2011
_____, adapted by Theresa Heskins, Wives and Daughters, BBC Radio 4, 29 November - 10 December 2010
Gatehouse, John, Trick or Treat, Wireless Theatre Company, 31 October 2011
Gavanski, Dolya, after Dostoyevsky, The Russian Gambler, BBC Radio 4, 17-24 November 2013
Gebler, Carlo, Charles and Mary, BBC Radio 3, 16 January 2011
Geek in the City, Adventures of the Crimson Mist (2009)
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic, adapted by Donna Franceschild, Cloud Howe, BBC Radio 4, 25 January - 1 February 2015
______, dramatized by Gerda Stevenson, Sunset Song, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 22-23 January 2015
Gibbons, Stella, adapted by Elizabeth Proud, Cold Comfort Farm, 14-19 May 2010
Gilbert, Virginia, Now, Love, BBC Radio 4, 16 March 2015
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, adapted by Julie Hoverson, The Yellow Wallpaper, Edwardian Entertainments at 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Gittins, Rob, Gwynfor v. Margaret, BBC Radio 4, 29 October 2012
______, Investigating Mr. Thomas, BBC Radio 4, 24 July 2009
Glatauer, Daniel, Every Seventh Wave, BBC Radio 4, 14 February 2013
______, adapted by Eileen Horne, Love Virtually, BBC Radio 4, 8 March 2012
Glendinning, Robin, Edith's Story, BBC Radio 4, 25 February 2010
_____, Operation Black Buck, BBC Radio 4, 5 June 2012
_____, The Windsor Jewels, BBC Radio 4, 10 July 2009
Glynn, Clara, One of the Lads, BBC Radio 4, 12 June 2013
______, Safe House, BBC Radio 4, 14 June 2013
______, Tilting the Odds, BBC Radio 4, 13 June 2013
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, adapted by David Timson, Faust, BBC Radio 3, 19 September 2010
_____, adapted by Judith French, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 4 May 2011
Gogol, Nikolai, Christmas Eve, adapted by Adam Beeson, BBC Radio 4, 24 December 2008
_____ , The Government Inspector, BBC Radio 7, 16 April 2008
_____ , The Government Inspector, translated by Alistair Beaton, BBC Radio 3, 29 March 2009
Gold, Murray, Kafka the Musical, BBC Radio 3, 24 April 2011
Golding, William, dramatized by Judith Adams, Lord of the Flies, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 15 June - 6 July 2013
Goodchild, Peter, The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial, BBC Radio 4, 21 November 2009
Goodman, Ralph. Them! CBS Mystery Theater, 27 February 1975
Goranson, Alicia E., The Mask of Inanna, www.maskofinanna.com
Gosden, Charles, Bit of a Fairytale, Cornucopia Radio, November 2011
Gough, Julian, The Great Squanderland Roof, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 2012
Graham, James, The Grudge, BBC Radio 4, 24 March 2012
Graham, Winston, adapted by Sean McKenna, Marnie, BBC Radio 4, 27 August 2011
Grahame, Kenneth, The Golden Age, adapted by Martyn Wade, BBC Radio 7, 29 August 2009
_____, adapted by Alan Bennett, The Wind in the Willows, BBC 7, 13 December 2008
_____, adapted by Alan Bennett, BBC Radio 7, 2-3 August 2010
______, adapted and orchestrated by Neil Brand, BBC Radio 4, 16 February 2013
Granville Barker, Harley, adapted by Lu Kemp, The Voysey Inheritance, BBC Radio 4, 7 April 2012
Graves, Robert, adapted by Robin Brooks, I, Claudius, BBC Radio 4, 28 November 2010 2 January 2011
Gry, Bill, The Dentist, Campfire Radio Theater, September 2013
Gray, Simon, Coda, BBC Radio 4, 8-12 December 2008
_____ , Little Nell, BBC Radio 4, 23 August 2008
_____ , Missing Dates, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 2008
_____, Otherwise Engaged, BBC Radio 4, 24 March 2012
_____ , Quartermaine's Terms, BBC Radio 4, 24 January 2009
Greenblatt, Stephen, adapted by Miranda Davies, Will in the World, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 30 May - 3 June 2011
Greenhalgh, Fred, The Cleansed, thecleansed.com, 7 March 2012
______, The Cleansed Revisited, 10 June 2013
Greer, Bonnie, Rosa Parks, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 3 Jan. 2015
Gregg, Roger, Infidel, Radiodramarevival.com, August-September 2012
Greig, David, Dunsinane, BBC Radio 3, 7 April 2013
Griffiths, Linda Marshall, The Embrace, BBC Radio 4, 16-20 February 2015
______, Things Might Change or Cease, BBC Radio 3, 22 January 2012
Gron, Arthur, Moving Bodies, BBC World Service, 27 September 2009
Grose, Carl, and Emma Rice, The Wild Bride, Kneehigh, BBC Radio 4, 21 December 2013
Grossmith, George and Weedon, adapted by Donald Bancroft, Diary of a Nobody, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 8 April - 5 May 2012
______, adapted by Keith Waterhouse as Mr. and Mrs. Nobody (1990). BBC Radio 4 Extra, 15 March 2015
_____, dramatized by Andrew Lynch, The Diary of a Nobody, BBC Radio 4, 1-8 July 2012
Gruenbaum, Peter, The Sting in the Dark Tower, Coiled Stories, 2015
Grundy, Sean, Best Queue, BBC Radio 4, 22 October 2012
______, The Other Side of the Moore, BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2015
______, Paradigm, BBC Radio 4, 21 January 2013
______, Poorland, BBC Radio 4, 11 February 2015
Gunst, Maya Eva, The Alligator, and Hoffman, David, The Vision, Electromagnetic Theater, June/ July 2013
Hall, Sarah, and Dominic Power, The Strangers' Will, BBC Radio 3, 17 February 2013
Hamer, Robert and Dighton, John, adapted by Gilbert Travers-Thomas, Kind Hearts and Coronets, BBC Radio 7, 13 December 2009
Hammett, Dashiell, adapted by Michael Bakewell, The Maltese Falcon, BBC Radio 7, 9 January 2011
Hampton, Christopher, The White Chameleon, BBC Radio 4, 24 July 2010
Hansberry, Lorraine, Young, Gifted and Black, BBC Radio 4, 11 May 2010
Hardy, Thomas, adapted by Nick McCarty, Far from the Madding Crowd, BBC Radio 7, 1-8 September 2009
_____, adapted by Nick McCarty, Far From the Madding Crowd, BBC Radio 7, 20-27 January 2011
______, adapted by Graham White, Far from the Madding Crowd, BBC Radio 4, 23 September - 7 October 2012
_____, adapted by Elizabeth North, Jude the Obscure, BBC Radio 7, 29 October - 5 November 2010
____, adapted by Sally Hedges, The Mayor of Casterbridge, BBC Radio 7, 17-21 January 2011
_____, adapted by Jane Beeson, A Pair of Blue Eyes, BBC Radio 7, 20-22 October 2010
______, abridged by Isobel Creed, Short Stories (2013), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26-30 January 2015
_____, adapted by Jon Sen, Two on a Tower, BBC Radio 4, 23-30 August 2009
Hare, David, Plenty, BBC Radio 4, 14 June 2008
_____, South Downs, BBC Radio 4, 1 September 2012
Harrald, Chris, Mr. Larkin's Awkward Day, Radio 4, 29 April 2008
Harris, Christopher T., Blood in Brecon, Ear Candy, 2013
Harris, Ed, Aromatherapy, BBC Radio 4, 2 April 2009
______, Billions, BBC Radio 4, 17 June 2013
______, The Interplanetary Notes of Ambassador B, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 22 February 2013
______, Pixie Juice, BBC Radio 4, 27 February 2014
_____, The Resistance of Mrs. Brown, BBC Radio 4, 21-25 February 2012
______. Take Me to the North Laine, BBC Radio 4, 13 March 2013
______, The Moment You Feel It, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25 December 2013
_____, Troll, BBC Radio 4, 21 May 2012
Harris, Zinnie, Fall, BBC Radio 3, 28 June 2009
Harrison, Scott, Sometime Never, Spokenworld Audio, February 2014
Harrison, Tony, The Mysteries, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 29-27 October 2013
______, V, BBC Radio 4, 18 February 2013
Harrower, David, A Slow Air, BBC Radio 4, 1 December 2012
Harrower, Elizabeth, abridged by Sally Marmion, In Certain Circles, BBC Radio 4, 16-27 February 2015
Hart, Moss, and Kaufman, George S. You Can't Take it With You, Misfits Audio, September 2011
Harwood, Ronald, adapted by David Blount, The Dresser (1993), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 31 January 2015
Hascall, Glenn, Red, Granny, and Wolfowitz, Misfits Audio, 2012
______, Pawn Quest, Misfits Audio, March 2013
Hastings, Max, abridged by Penny Leicester, Did You Really Shoot the Television? BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26-30 January 2015
Hatch, Eric, adapted by Morrie Ryskind and Eric Hatch, My Man Godfrey, Misfits Audio Productions, August 2010
Hartley, L. P., adapted by Frances Burns, The Go-Between, BBC Radio 3, 8 July 2012
Harwood, Ronald, adapted by Bert Coules, An English Tragedy, BBC Radio 4, 8 May 2010
Hascall, Glenn A., A Beary Twisted Tale, Misfits Audio, June 2012
______, Pearl Dandruff and Fish Buckets, Misfits Audio, 2012
Hastings, Michael, Tom and Viv, BBC Radio 4, 27 December 2008
Havel, Vaclav, in a version by Tom Stoppard, Largo Desolato, BBC Radio 3, 15 April 2012
Hawes, Craig, Jailbird Lover, BBC Radio 4, 22 March 2012
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Rappaccini's Daughter, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 15 February 2014
______, adapted by Martyn Wade, Wakefield, BBC Radio 7, 3 February 2011
Hayman, Carole, Page of Wands, BBC Radio 4, 11 June 2012
Heaney, Seamus, Remembering Seamus Heaney, BBC Radio Foyle, 16-17 November 2013
Heffernan, Margaret, Mrs. Updike, BBC Radio 3, 18 January 2015
Heiney, Nicholas, adapted by Libby Purves, The Silence at Song's End, BBC Radio 4, 6 March 2013
______, adapted by Simon Armitage, The Old Man and the Sea, BBC Radio 4, 29 December 2013
Henry, Lenny, Miss You Still, BBC Radio 4, 1 August 2013
Herbstman, Ed, Third Party, The Truth APM, 9 August 2012
Hesford, Martyn, Frankie Takes a Trip, BBC Radio 4, 27 March 2015
______, Mrs. Lowry and Son, BBC Radio 4, 11 May 2012
Hesse, Hermann, adapted by Lavinia Greenlaw, The Glass Bead Game. BBC Radio 4, 24-31 July 2010
Highsmith, Patricia, The Boy Who Followed Ripley, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, BBC Radio 4, 21 March 2009
_____ , Looking for Ripley, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 2009
_____ , Ripley Under Ground, adapted by Alan McDonald, BBC Radio 4, 7 March 2009
_____ , adapted by Stephen Wyatt, Ripley Under Water, BBC Radio 4, 28 March 2009
_____ , Ripley's Game, adapted by Alan McDonald, BBC Radio 4, 14 March 2009
_____ , The Talented Mr. Ripley, adapted by Stephen Wyatt, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 2009
Hill, Christopher William, Hush! Hush! Whisper Who Dares! BBC Radio 4, 25 July 2013
______, Marmalade for Comrade Philby, BBC Radio 4, 30 July 2009
______, Rhapsody, BBC Radio 4, 29 July 2013
______, What England Owes, BBC Radio 4, 10 July 2013
Hill, David W. Star Trek Hidden Frontier: Henglaar MD: Graduation, Hidden Frontier Productions, 28 July 2013
Hims, Katie, All the Blood in My Veins, BBC Radio 4, 12 November 2012
______, Betsy Coleman, BBC Radio 4, 4 May 2012
______, Hair of the Dog, BBC Radio 4, 1 January 2014
______, King David, BBC Radio 3, 24 February 2013
______, Lila (2001), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 27 February 2015
______, Listening to the Dead, BBC Radio 4, 30 December 2013 - 3 January 2014
______, Lulu (2000), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 5 February 2015
_____, and Joan Tate (translator), The Martin Beck Killings: The Fire Engine That Disappeared, BBC Radio 4, 24 November 2012
_____, Charles Mulekwa, Dino Mahoney, Simon Wu and Noelle Janaczewska, The View from Here, BBC World Service, 28 February
Hislop, Ian and Newman, Nick, Greed All About It, BBC Radio 4, 14 May 2010
Hodge, John, adapted by Hodge and Chris Wallis, Collaborators, BBC Radio 3, 30 September 2012
Hogg, Clare Dwyer, Farewell, BBC Radio 3, 23 March 2013
Holtby, Winifred, South Riding, adapted by Jill Adams, BBC Radio 7, 8-26 March 2009
Holloway, Jonathan, A Night with Johnny Stampanato, BBC Radio 4, 12 July 2008
______, The Real George Orwell: Jura, BBC Rsdio 4, 18 February 2013
______, The Real George Orwell: Loving, BBC Radio 4, 11 February 2013
Holmfirth Writers' Group, Resolution, Two Valleys Radio, 29 January 2012
_____, Challenge, Two Cities Radio, 25 March 2012
_____, Community, Two Valleys Radio, 26 February 2012
Holroyd, Michael, abridged by David Roper, On Wheels, BBC Radio 4, 5-9 November 2012
Hopper, Justin, The Greater Good, BBC Radio 4, 23 October 2008
Horne, Jules, MacMillan's Marvellous Motion Machine, BBC Radio 4, 19 May 2011
Hornung, E. W., adapted by David Buck, Raffles, BBC Radio 7, 27 January - 11 February 2011
Horovitz, Israel, Stations of the Cross (1998), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25 March 2015
Hoskins, David Lorell, Theo Trouver's P38, Blind Fly Theater, December 2011
_____, Theo Trouver's Static, Blind Fly Theater, January 2012
Hough, Colin, Hard Boiled Eggs and Nuts, BBC Radio 4, 28 September 2012
Housman, A.E., A Shropshire Lad, BBC Radio 4, 3 December 2008
Hoverson, Julie, At the Sound of the Beep, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, 6 August 2013
______, Fatal Girl, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, March - July 2012
______, People Who Live in Wax Houses, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, 29 November 2011
_____, Puppets, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, 4 March 2012
Howard, Elizabeth Jane, dramatized by Lin Coghlan, The Cazalets, BBC Radio 4, 18 February - 8 March 2013
_____, dramatized by Sarah Daniels, The Cazalets: Confusion, BBC Radio 4, 22 April - 3 May 2013
Howarth, Jenny, A City Full of Swindlers, BBC Radio 4, 7 May 2009
_____, Lord Behold Us, BBC Radio 4, 27 June 2012
Howells, William Dean, Three Works, Audible.com (2005-6)
Hoyle, Trevor, Randle's Scandals, BBC Radio 7, 18 July 2009
Hudson, Glenn, A Case of Music to Die For, Flip the Switch Media, April 2012
Hudson, Henry, Black Monday, Near FM, 3 April 2012
______, The Kay Farrell Trilogy: Twin Candles, Near FM, 24 October 2012
Hudson, Mel, What to Do if Your Husband May Leave, BBC Radio 4, 16 January 2012
Hughes, Thomas, adapted by Joe Dunlop, Tom Brown's Schooldays, BBC Radio 7, 8-9 March 2010
Hughes, Langston, The Voice of Langston Hughes, Smithsonian Folkways, 1955-60
Humphrey, Tess, The Prince of Humberside, University Radio York, 20 June 2011
Hurston, Zora Neale, abridged by Jane Marshall, Their Eyes Were Watching God, BBC Radio 4, 15-26 July 2013
Hussain, Shai, Resolution, BBC Asian Network, 9 January 2011
Huxley, Aldous, adapted by William Froug, Brave New World, CBS Theatre of the Air (1956)
_____, Brave New World, dramatized by Neville Teller, BBC Radio 7, 29 June - 3 July 2009
Ibsen, Henrik, adapted by Tanika Gupta, BBC Radio 3, 7 October 2012
______, adapted by Richard Eyre, Ghosts, BBC Radio 3, 16 December 2013
______, in a version by Brian Friel, Hedda Gabler, BBC Radio 4, 9 March 2013
______, in a version by David Eldridge, John Gabriel Borkman, BBC Radio 4, 8-15 March 2015.
______, in a new version by Frank McGuinness, The Lady from the Sea, BBC Radio 3, 1 November 2009
______, and Edvard Grieg, abridged by Alain Perroux, translated by Stephen Taylor, Peer Gynt, BBC Radio 3, 23 December 2012
Icebox Radio Theater, Tall Bears, Icebox Radio Theater, 5 August 2006, revived May 2013
Iles, Frances, dramatized by Ronald Frame, Before the Fact, BBC Radio 4, 20 April 2013
Illies, Florian, abridged by Pete Nichols, 1913, BBC Radio 4, 22-26 July 2013
Irving, John, dramatized by Linda Marshall Griffiths, The World According to Garp, BBC Radio 4, 5-19 January 2014
Irving, Washington, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, BBC Radio 7, 5-19 December 2010
Isherwood, Christopher, adapted by Tina Pepler, Goodbye to Berlin, BBC Radio 4, 3-10 October 2010
Ishguro,Kazuo, abridged by Sara Davies, The Buried Giant, BBC Radio 4, 2-13 March 2015
Jacobi, Steve, Buried, BBC Radio 4, 16 May 2009
_____ , The Iceman Goeth (Ian Holm), BBC Radio 4, 23 April 2009
James, Henry, read by David Case, The Art of the Novel, listentogenius.com, 2010
______, adapted by Christine Hall, The Aspern Papers, BBC Radio 4, 26 April - 4 May 2010
______, dramatized by Clarice A. Ross, Daisy Miller, NBC University Theater, 17 January 1951
______, The Digested Read: The Golden Bowl, guardian.co.uk, 15 August 2009
_____, adapted by Erik Bauersfeld, The Jolly Corner, The Black Mass, 15 November 1964
______, The Living Spell of Henry James, Radioopensource.org, 19 May 2009
_____, The Portrait of a Lady, BBC Radio 4, 13-27 July 2008
______, dramatized by Richard C. Davis, The Portrait of a Lady, NBC University Theater, 2 October 1949
______, The Portrait of a Lady Podcast, St. Columba's College, Dublin, 18 June 2009
______, Portrait of a Novel, npr.org, 11 September 2012
______, A Taste for the Baroque, BBC Radio 3, 29 March 2013
______, Favorite Story: The Turn of the Screw, KFI Los Angeles, 17 September 1949
______, Henry James' Novels Read Aloud, librivox.org
______, read by Marcus Speh, A Small Boy and Others, marcusspeh.com, 13 March 2013
______, The Turn of the Screw, SFF Audio Podcast, 15 March 2010
_____ , adapted by Benjamin Britten, The Turn of the Screw, BBC Radio 3, 6 November 2009
______, read by John Lescaut, The Turn of the Screw, listentogenius.com, 2010
______, dramatized by Neville Teller, The Turn of the Screw, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 19 April 2013
_____, adapted by John Tydeman, The Turn of the Screw, BBC Radio 7, 5 September 2009
_____, adapted by Linda Marshall Griffiths, The Wings of the Dove, BBC Radio 4, 1-15 August 2010
James, M. R., adapted by Irving Ravetch and John Dunkel, Casting the Runes, CBS Radio, 19 November 1947
James, P. D., adapted by Neville Teller, The Private Patient, BBC Radio 4, 23 May - 4 June 2010
James, William, Varieties of Religious Experience, BBC Radio 4, 13 May 2010
Jameson, Martin, Stone: Demons, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 2012
Jeal, Tim, abridged by Libby Spurrier, Explorers of the Nile (2011), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 23-27 February 2015
Jeffreys, Stephen, David Greig, Ben Ockrent and Simon Stephens, The Great Game, BBC Radio 3, 10 October 2010
Jenkins, Martin, Vivat Rex, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 30 April - 4 June 2012
Jensen-Woodard, Gwendolyn, Wendy on Board, adapted from the song by S. J. Tucker, Gypsy Audio, July 2012
Jerome, Jerome K., Three Men in a Boat, BBC Radio 7, 31 August 2008
______, dramatized by Chris Harrald, Three Men in a Boat, BBC Radio 4, 15-22 September 2013
Jessiman, Alastair, The Sensitive: A Nobody, BBC Radio 4, 24 March 2010
Johnson, Catherine, Fresh Berries, BBC Radio 3, 9 February 2013
Johnson, Samuel, Johnson's Miscellany, BBC Radio 4, 15-29 May 2011
______, adapted by Jonathan Holloway, Rasselas, BBC Radio 4, 24 May 2015.
Johnston, Jennifer, abridged by Neville Teller, How Many Miles to Babylon, BBC Radio 4, 8-12 April 2013
Jones, Charlotte, In the Absence of Geoff, BBC Radio 3, 4 January 2009
Joseph, Alison, The City Speaks: Ayshe's Tale, BBC Radio 4, 19 March 2008
Joyce, James, dramatized by Robin Brooks, Ulysses, BBC Radio 4, 16 June 2012
______, abridged by Doreen Estall, The Dubliners, BBC Radio 4, 3-28 February 2014
Joyce, Rachel, Arabian Afternoons: The Writer and the Three Ladies, BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2010
_____, The Man With Wings, BBC Radio 4, 29 March 2012
Jukes, Peter, Arabian Afternoons: A Dish of Pomegranates, BBC Radio 4, 31 March 2010
_____, Bad Faith, BBC Radio 4, 20 July 2008
_____, Bad Faith: Nothing Sacred, BBC Radio 4, 26 February 2010