Kahan, Marcy, Blithe Spy - A Noel Coward Mystery, BBC Radio 7, 7 August 2010
_____, A Bullet at Balmain's - A Noel Coward Mystery. BBC Radio 7, 24 July 2010.
_____. Death at the Desert Inn, BBC Radio 7, 31 July 2010
_____, Design for Murder - A Noel Coward Mystery, BBC Radio 7, 23 July 2010
_____, Incredibly Guilty - A Comic Moral Fable, BBC Radio 4, 14 January 2011
______, Lunch, BBC Radio 4, 15-19 July 2012
______, Mr. Bridger's Orphan, BBC Radio 4, 15 March 2013
______, More Lunch (2014), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 16-20 March 2015
_____, Our Man in Jamaica: A Noel Coward Mystery. BBC Radio 7, 14 August 2010
Kastner, Erich, Emil and the Detectives, adapted by Roy Apps, BBC Radio 7, 17-18 December 2010
_____, adapted by Katie Hims, Emil and the Detectives, BBC Radio 4, 17 October 2009
Kay, Jackie, adapted by Gill Waters, Red Dust Road. BBC Radio 4, 19-23 July 2010
Keats, John, Lamia, BBC Radio 4, 1 January 2010
Keetch, Anthony, The Devil Take Your Stereo, What Noise Productions, November 2011
Kennedy, A. L. Love Love Love Like the Beatles, BBC Radio 4, 26 June 2012
_____, That I Should Rise, BBC Radio 3, 18 February 2012
Kennedy, Fin, Noble Cause Corruption, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 2013
Kenny, Paul, A Mother's Love, Cornucopia Radio, September 2012
______, Shared, Wireless Theatre Company, November 2011
______, Unglued, Cornucopia Radio, 7 June 2015
Kerr, Judith, dramatized by Beaty Rubens, Out of the Hitler Time, BBC Radio 4, 11-25 March 2012
Kerhsaw, Ian, Lost and Found, BBC Radio 4, 2 December 2013
Keyworth, Stephen, Godwanaland, BBC Radio 4, 26 March 2009
Kincaid, Jack, Edict Zero, EdictZero.wordpress.com, 2011-
King, Dawn, The Beaten Track, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 11 December 2011
_____. My One and Only, BBC Radio 4, 20 April 2012
______, Frazer Flintham, Tom Wells, Katie Hims, Winsome Pinnock, New Cycle of Mystery Plays, BBC Radio 3, 23 December 2012
King, Martin Luther, The Martin Luther King Collection, BBC Radio 4, 24, 28 August 2013
Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies, adapted by Berlie Doherty, BBC Radio 7, 15-17 April 2009
______, adapted by Paul Farley, BBC Radio 4, 34 March 2013
Kipling, Rudyard, adapted by Rafe Beckley, The Just So Stories, Spokenworld Audio, 2013
Kirby, A. J., History and Her Story, Listenupnorth.com
_____, It's the Way You Tell 'Em, listenupnorth.com, January 2012
Kitchen, Fred, adapted by Stephen Wakelam, Journal of a Joskin, BBC Radio 4, 11-15 March 2013
Klaff, Jack, Flying Backwards, BBC Radio 4, 19 June 2012
Kornfeld, Louis, developed by the Truth, You're Not Alone, The Truth, 9 May 2013
Kwei-Armah, Kwame, Elmina's Kitchen, BBC Radio 3, 29 August 2004
______, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, BBC Radio 3, 10 March 2012
_____, God's President: Mugabe of Zimbabwe, BBC Radio 4, 10 December 2010
Kynaston, David, abridged by Jane Greenwood, Family Britain, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 27 June - 3 July 2013
Lab, Jovian, Green Lantern: Man Without Fear, Misfits Audio, June 2011
Lackey, Mercedes, and Martin, Cody, The Secret World Chronicle: The Journal of John Murdock, secretworldchronicle.com, Jan-June
Laclos, adapted by Christopher Hampton, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, BBC Radio 7, 1-2 October 2009
Lafayette, Madame de, adapted by Jo Clifford, La Princesse de Cleves, BBC Radio 3, 28 February 2010
Lafferty, Mur, and Laputka, Christof, The Rogue Plague, TheLeviathanChronicles.com, January 2012
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi de, adapted by Michael Hastings, The Leopard, BBC Radio 3, 18 April 2010
Lane, Jeff. Crush Depth, Jeff Lane Audiobooks, 16 November - 14 December 2012
Larkin, Philip, Children of the Whitsun Weddings, BBC Radio 3, 24 May 2009
______, dramatized by Richard Stevens, A Girl in Winter, BBC Radio 4, 7 April 2013
______, dramatized by Robin Brooks, Jill, BBC Radio 4, 31 March 2013
_____, adapted by Miranda Davies, Letters to Monica, BBC Radio 4, 1-5 November 2010
Last Day Audio, The Last Day Origins, Audiodramauniverse.blogspot.com
Lawrence, D. H., adapted by Michelene Wandor, Lady Chatterley's Lover, BBC Radio 7, 23-30 October 2010
_____, Sons and Lovers, adapted by Michael Butt, 26-28 September 2009
Laws, Karen and Evans, Fiona, Beware the Kick, BBC Radio 3, 25 October 2009
Lawson, Mark, The Man Who Knows, BBC Radio 4, 9-13 April 2012, BBC Radio 4 Extra 14 April 2012
Le Carré, John, Call for the Dead, adapted by Robert Forrest, BBC Radio 4, 23 May 2009
______, abridged by Sally Marmion, A Delicate Truth, BBC Radio 4, 12-24 May 2013
_____, adapted by Robert Forrest, The Honourable Schoolboy, BBC Radio 4, 24 January - 7 February 2010
_____ , adapted by Sean McKenna, The Looking-Glass War, BBC Radio 4, 20-27 September 2009
_____, adapted by Robert Forrest, The Secret Pilgrim, BBC Radio 4, 13-27 June 2010
_____, adapted by Robert Forrest, Smiley's People. BBC Radio 4, 11-25 April 2010
_____ , The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, adapted by Robert Forrest, BBC Radio 4, 5-19 July 2009
_____, adapted by Sean McKenna, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, BBC Radio 4, 29 November - 13 December 2009
Leduc, Amanda, Len Kuntz, et. al, Little (Flash) Fiction Collection, read by Xe Sands, Little Fiction.com, 2012
Lee, Christopher, Air-Force One, BBC Radio 4, 16 November 2013
Lee, Elaine, Trans Mars Tango, National Audio Drama Festival, 2011
Lee, Laurie, adapted by Nick Darke, Cider with Rosie, BBC Radio 4, 2-9 May 2010
Lenkiewicz, Rebecca, Burning Up, BBC Radio 4, 5 December 2011
_____, Sarah and Ken, BBC Radio 3, 11 July 2010
Leonard, Elmore, adapted by Robert Ferguson, Hombre, BBC Radio 4, 23 March 2013
______, adapted by Katie Hims, The Hot Kid, BBC Radio 4, 3-24 March 2015
Lerner, Alan Jay, and Loewe, Frederick, adapted by Daniel and Meagan Wanschura, My Fair Lady, Northern Lights Radio Theater,
15 March 2012
Leroux, Gaston, adapted by Barnaby Edwards, The Phantom of the Opera, Big Finish Productions, 2007
Leverson, Ada, adapted by Martyn Wade, The Little Ottleys, BBC Radio 4, 4-8 April 2011
______, adapted by Martyn Wade, The Little Ottleys Series 4, BBC Radio 4, 8-12 April 2013
Levy, Deborah, abridged by Sally Marmion, Swimming Home, BBC Radio 4, 27 February - 2 March 2012
Lewis, C. S., abridged by Jane Marshall, The Screwtape Letters, BBC Radio 4, 18-22 November 2013
Lewis, Ted, dramatized by Nick Perry, Jack's Return Home, BBC Radio 4, 28 August - 18 September 2012
Lewis, Sinclair, Dodsworth, Lux Radio Theater, 10 April 1937
Lewisohn, Colin, Cultural Differences, Encore Radio
Lindow, Mark, Making the Delivery/ Brown, Mark, Sheltered, Tin Can Podcast, 27 February, 26 March 2012
Littlefield, Simon, Stannie and Jim. BBC Radio 4, 11 August 2010
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, adapted by Pauline Harris, Hiawatha, BBC Radio 4, 23 January 2015
Lorca, Federico Garcia, in a version by Ted Hughes, Blood Wedding, BBC Radio 3, 16 March 2014
______, in a version by Michael Dewell and Catherine Zapata, Yerma, BBC Radio 3, 26 September 2010
Lord, Andy, and Collinge, Phil, Turing's Test, Made in Manchester/ Dark Smile Productions, 24 October 2009
Loring, Kevin, The Thin Veneer, Pi Theatre, Vancouver, October 2011
Lovecraft, H. P., adapted by Julie Hoverson, From Beyond, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, March 2012
_____, adapted by Julie Hoverson, The Temple, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, November 2011
______, The Tomb, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 12 Jan. 2015
Lucie, Doug, The Milky Way, BBC Radio 4, 25 April 2013
______, Sunset, BBC Radio 3, 19 February 2012
Lustgarten, Anders, Lampedusa, Guardian Books/ Soho Poly Theatre, 11 June 2015
Lynch, Andrew, Badfellas, BBC Radio 4, 5 July 2010
_____, Mugsborough 1917, BBC Radio 4, 24-31 May 2009
_____ , A Question of Royalty, BBC Radio 4, 1 April 2009
Lyons, Garry, Amazonia, BBC Radio 3, 7 February 2010
Macdonald, Helen, Through the Wire, BBC Radio 4, 30 April 2012
Macdonnell, A. G., dramatized by Archie Scottney, England, Their England, BBC Radio 4, 25 December 2011
Macfarlane, Robert, abridged by Penny Leicester, Landmarks, BBC Radio 4, 30 March - 3 April 2015
Machiavelli, Niccolo, adapted by Jonathan Myerson, The Prince, BBC Radio 4, 23 March 2014
MacInnes, Colin, abridged by Sara Davies, Absolute Beginners, BBC Radio 4, 13-17 January 2014
MacLachlan, Vashti, The Sod, BBC Radio 4, 10 June 2015
Macmillan, Duncan, Lungs, BBC Radio 3, 24 March 2013
Macnaughton, Daniel, Above and Below, www.aboveandbelowseries.co.uk, October 2012
MacPherson, Gordon, Fight to the Finish, listenupnorth.com
Maddox, Mike, Mayflies, BBC Radio 4, 13 March 2009
Maeterlinck, Maurice, Beyond Words, adapted by Katie Hims, BBC Radio 3, 28 December 2008
Mahfouz, Naguib, adapted by Ayshe Menon, The Cairo Trilogy, BBC Radio 7, 14-16 July 2009
Major, John, adapted by Andrew Simpson, Only a Game, BBC Radio 7, 28 June - 2 July 2010
Malik, Anjum, The Lost Salford Sioux, BBC Radio 3, 15 January 2012
Mamet, David, Keep Your Pantheon, BBC Radio 4, 12 November 2008
_____ , The Shawl, BBC World Service, 10 May 2008
Mandela, Nelson, abridged by Michelene Wandor, Long Walk To Freedom, BBC Radio 4, 9-13 December 2013
Mann, Thomas, dramatized by Judith Adams, Buddenbrooks, BBC Radio 4, 12-26 August 2012
Manning, Olivia, adapted by Lin Coghlan, Fortunes of War, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 4-11 April 2011
Mansfield, Katherine, Her First Ball, BBC Radio 3, 26 May 2011
Mantel, Hilary, abridged by Julian Wilkinson, The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher, BBC Radio 4, 5-9 January 2015
Marable, Manning, abridged by Polly Coles, Malcolm X - A Life of Reinvention, BBC Radio 4, 6-10 June 2011
Marcus, Frank, The Killing of Sister George, BBC Radio 4, 25 April 2009
Margolyes, Miriam, Dickens' Women, BBC Radio 7, 4 January 2009
Markham, Mark Davies, The Liberty of Norton Folgate, BBC Radio 4, 9 February 2013
Marks, Laurence, and Maurice Gran, Love Me Do, BBC Radio 4, 13 October 2012
______, Von Ribbentrop's Watch, BBC Radio 4, 8 November 2008
Marlowe, Christopher, Dr. Faustus, BBC Radio 3, 15 June 2008
_____ , adapted by Jessica Dromgoole, Edward II, BBC Radio 3, 13 September 2009
Marlowe, Jen, adapted by Marie Tueje, There is a Field, Radio Drama Revival, 13-20 January 2012
Márquez, Gabriel Garcia, adapted by Jill Waters, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, BBC Radio 4, 28 February 4 March 2011
Masefield, John, The Box of Delights, BBC Radio 7, 13-20 December 2008
Mason, Lol, Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (1997), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 27 March - 1st May 2015
Mason, Patrick, The Dreaming of Roger Casement, RTE Drama on One, 11 May 2012
Maugham, W. Somerset, Before the Psrty, adapted by Neville Teller, BBC Radio 7, 22 August 2009
_____ , adapted by Neville Teller, The Creative Impulse, BBC Radio 7, 18 July 2009
_____ , The Facts of Life, adapted by Neville Teller, BBC Radio 7, 15 August 2009
______, adapted by Lu Kemp, For Services Rendered, BBC Radio 4, 7 September 2013
______, The Lives and Work of W. Somerset Maugham, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 28 February 2015
_____, dramatized by Lizzie Nunnery, The Painted Veil, BBC Radio 4, 23-27 January 2012
_____ , adapted by Neville Teller, A Round Dozen, BBC Radio 7, 1 August 2009
_____, The Taipan, BBC Radio 4, 9 July 2010
_____ , adapted by Neville Teller, The Worm's Eye View, BBC Radio 7, 25 July 2009
May, Steve, Last Man Out (1998), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 20 March 2015
Mayhew, Julie, A Shoebox of Snow, BBC Radio 4, 16 September 2011
_____, Stopgap, BBC Radio 4, 10 May 2012
Mayhew-Archer, Paul, An Actor's Life for Me: The Scottish Play, BBC Radio 7, 28 February 2010
Mayorga, Juan, translated by David Johnston, The Boy at the Back, BBC Radio 3, 30 March 2014
McCann, Colum, The Long Laneway, BBC Radio 4, 15 November 2013
McCartney, Nicola, Sullom Voe, BBC Radio 4, 29 March 2013
McCrum, Robert, My Year Off, BBC Radio 4, 20 November 2008
McEwan, Ian, abridged by Christine Hall, Sweet Tooth, BBC Radio 4, 3-14 September 2012
McGough, Roger, Summer with Monika, BBC Radio 7, 19 June 2009
McGowan, Alistair, Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear, BBC Radio 4, 15 July 2013
McIntosh, Daniel, and Tony Raymond, Star Trek Outpost: Shades of the Present, Giant Gnome Productions, 2012
McIntyre, Ben, abridged by Barry Johnston, A Spy Among Friends, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 March 2013
McKay, Malcolm, Etian, BBC Radio 3, 18 February 2011
McKay, Neil, Alone Together, BBC Radio 3, 22 March 2009
_____ , A City Called Glory, BBC Radio 7, 11 April 2009
_____, RIP Boy, BBC Radio 4, 27 May 2011
_____ , Take the Night, BBC Radio 7, 4 April 2009
McLean, Matthew, and Robert Cudmore, All Ears, Yap Audio, July 2013
______, The Gravedigger's Stories, Yap Audio Productions, 2012
Mclean, Michael, The Tony Kay Scandal, BBC Radio 4, 6 November 2009
McMillan, Ian, Love, War and Trains, BBC Radio 4, 1 May 2013
McNamara, Helen, Tales from the Northside: The Reading, Near Media Co-Op, 3 April 2012
McNamee, Eoin, North of Riga, BBC Radio 4, 15 February 2014
McRoberts, Colin, The Baba Yaga Saga, Gypsy Audio, May 2013
Mead, Adrian, A Man's World, BBC Radio 3, 12 February 2012
Meanwell, Peter, Obituary Notice, BBC Radio 3, 7 January 2012
Meehan, Pat, Rivitin History, Near FM Ireland, 10-17 October 2012
Melville, Herman, dramatized by Robert Arnold, Bartleby the Scrivener, Chatterbox Audio Theater, 14 September 2007
Menon, Ayeesha, The Mumbai Chuzzlewits, BBC Radio 4, 1-15 January 2012
Mercer, David, Let's Murder Vivaldi, BBC Radio 4, 31 May 2008
Mercier, Matthew, The Death of Poe, The Truth APM, 18 October 2012
Meredith, Guy, One Winter's Afternoon, BBC Radio 3, 19 May 2013
Merriman, Andy, A Monstrous Vitality, BBC Radio 4, 7 June 2011
_____, and Alison Joseph, A Month of June: Lost and Found, BBC Radio 4, 13 June 2012
Merimee, Prosper, dramatized by Dan Allum, Carmen, BBC Radio 4, 6-10 January 2014
Michael, Aelish, Dreaming of Foxes (2010), Made in Manchester/ Dark Smile. BBC Radio 4 Extra, 14 Feb. 2015.
Mickery, Lizzie, Adventures of the Soul, BBC Radio 3, 27 October 2012
Middleton, Adrian, Apple Jelly, BBC Radio 4, 13 March 2012
Milbourne, Laura, Flat 15 - The Recordings, No Holds Barred Productions, 21 April 2012
Milne, A. A., The Arrival of Blackman's Warbler, BBC Radio 4, 26 May 2011
_____, adapted by Neil Cargill, The Pocket A. A. Milne, BBC Radio 4, 24-25 May 2011
_____, Winnie the Who? - Winnie the Pooh in Russia, BBC Radio 4, 17 January 2009
Mistry, Rohinton, dramatized by Ayeeshea Menon and Kewel Karim, A Fine Balance, BBC Radio 4, 22 March - 5 April 2015
Milton, John, Samson Agonistes, BBC Radio 3, 14 December 2008
Min, Anchee, abridged by Jane Marshall, The Cooked Seed, BBC Radio 4, 1-5 July 2013
Minghella, Anthony, Cigarettes and Chocolate, BBC Radio 4, 3 May 2008
Melville, Herman, Bartleby the Scrivener, BBC Radio 7, 16 August 2008
_____, adapted by Steph Penney, Moby Dick, BBC Radio 4, 17-24 October 2010
Middleton, Thomas, and Rowley, William, adapted by Jeremy Mortimer, The Changeling, BBC Radio 3, 28 November 2009
Miller, Walter M., adapted by Nick McCarty, Fiat Homo: A Canticle for Leibowitz, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26-30 November 2012
Millert, Molly, Twice Ken is Plenty: The Lost Script of Kenneth Williams, BBC Radio 4, 17 October 2009
Mitchell, Jonathan, Herbstman, Ed and Hoopes, Melanie, Tape Delay, The Truth on This American Life podcast, 13 April 2012
Mitchell, Natalie, Proud, BBC Radio 3, 9 March 2013
Mitford, Nancy, adapted by Claire Luckham, Love in a Cold Climate, BBC Radio 7, 15 October 2010
_____, adapted by Lauris Morgan-Griffiths, The Pursuit of Love, BBC Radio 4, 19-30 December 2011
Moliere, in a new version by Roger McGough, The Misanthrope, BBC Radio 3, 10 March 2013
______, in a new version by Roger McGough, Tartuffe, BBC Radio 3, 5 July 2009
Monsarrat, Nicholas, dramatized by John Fletcher, The Cruel Sea, BBC Radio 4, 26 February - 4 March 2012
_____, The Nicholas Monsarrat Archive, BBC Radio 4, 5 February 2009
Montgomery, L. M., adapted by Marcy Kahan, Anne of Green Gables, BBC Radio 7, 27 September - 1 October 2010
Moore, Alan, One Bad Day, Catalyst Media, 2012
Moore, Charles, abridged by Richard Hamilton, Margaret Thatcher: The Authorised Biography, BBC Radio 4, 29 April - 3 May 2013
Moore, D. C., The Empire, BBC Radio 3, 29 October 2011
Moore, George, dramatized by Sharon Oakes, Esther Waters, BBC Radio 4, 10-17 March 2013
Morley, David, A Cold Supper Behind Harrods, BBC Radio 4, 7 September 2012
______, The Iraq Dossier, BBC Radio 4, 3 March 2013
Morpurgo, Michael, Private Peaceful, BBC Learning, 17 January - 26 May 2014
Morpurgo, Michael, dramatized by Simon Reade, Private Peaceful, BBC Radio 4, 4 February 2012
Mortimer, Gavin, adapted by Anita Sullivan, The Great Swim, BBC Radio 4, 23 January 2012
Mortimer, John, The Dock Brief, BBC Radio 7, 20 April 2009
_____ , Mr. Luby's Fear of Heaven, BBC Radio 4, 31 December 2008
_____ , Paradise Island, BBC Radio 7, 5 April 2009
______, adapted by Richard Stoneman, Rumpole and the Expert Witness, BBC Radio 4, 25 December 2012
______, adapted by Richard Stoneman, Rumpole and the Old Boy Net/ and the Sleeping Partners, BBC Radio 4, 20-21 March 2014
_____ , Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders, BBC Radio 4, 19-26 May 2009
_____ , Rumpole of the Bailey, BBC Radio 7, 18 April 2009
_____, Rumpole of the Bailey, BBC Radio 7, 6-27 November 2010
_____ , Rumpole on Trial, BBC Radio 4, 28-29 May 2008
_____ , Summer of a Dormouse, BBC Radio 7, 20 April 2009
Mukerji, Mani Shankar, adapted by Roger James Elsgood, Chowringhee, BBC Radio 3, 11 March 2012
Mulligan, Andy. A Kidnapping, BBC Radio 4, 17-19 March 2014
Murphy, Mike, The Administration, Misfits Audio 2011-12
______, Balancing Act, Misfits Audio, 2013
______, The British are Coming, Misfits Audio, 2013
______, Ed, Harvest Audio Productions, April 2012
_____, Jim Nolan Private Eye: The Death of Anderson Buchwald, MisfitsAudio.com, 2012
______, The Problems of Peter Sinclair, Misfits Audio, 24 June 2013
______, Quintet, Misfits Audio, July 2013
______, Twelve, The Drama Pod, August 2013
______, Where Can I Find Three Wise Men? Misfits Audio, 2012
Murphy, Tom, A Whistle in the Dark, BBC Radio 3, 20 December 2009
Murray, Lavinia, Ballad of the Burning Boy, BBC Radio 3, 1 September 2012
Murray, Melissa, Chiwawa, BBC Radio 4, 31 March 2014
______. Theremin. BBC Radio 4, 9 October 2010
_____, Shakespeare's Vortigern and Rowena, BBC Radio 4, 3 March 2010
______, Tom Thumb Redux, BBC Radio 4, 11 January 2013
Myerson, Jonathan (adapter), Arab Chronicles of the Crusades, BBC Radio 4, 1-8 February 2009
_____, Do You Know Who Wrote This? BBC Radio 4, 29 August 2012
_____, and Anders Lustgarten, Number 10, BBC Radio 4, 21-24 February 2012
Nagra, Daljeet, Bal Bazaar, BBC Radio 3, 10 July 2010
Narayan, R.K. A Tiger for Malgudi, BBC Radio 4, 12 September 2008
Naylor, Hattie, The Forgotten, BBC Radio 4, 2 June 2012
_____, J'Accuse, BBC Radio 4, 13 June 2009
______, Little Grudges, BBC Radio 4, 10-14 December 2012
______, A Northern Soul, BBC Radio 4, 18 February 2015
Neath, Glen, and Jordan, John, Occupied, BBC Radio 4, 17 February 2012
Nemirowsky, Irene, adapted by Michael Hastings, A Life of Chekhov, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 16-20 May 2011
Nesbit, E., adapted by Malcolm McKee, Five Children and It, BBC Radio 7, 30 August 2010
_____, The Railway Children, adapted by Marcy Kahan, BBC Radio 7, 4-8 July 2010
Newman, Terence, Burke and Hare, Wireless Theatre Company, 2013
Nichols, Peter, Passion Play, BBC Radio 4, 12 January 2008
Nicholson, William, adapted by Archie Scottney, Shadowlands, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 17 November 2013
Nicholson, Virginia, adapted by Doreen Estall, Millions Like Us, BBC Radio 4, 2-6 May 2011
Nicolson, Adam, abridged by Loris Morgan Griffiths, Sissinghurst, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 24-48 June 2013
Norman, Marsha, 'Night Mother, BBC World Service (2006)
Northup, Solomon, abridged by Robin Brooks, Twelve Years a Slave, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 February 2014
Norton, Mary, The Borrowers, adapted by Sarah Woods, BBC Radio 4, 22-23 December 2008
Nother Theatre, Out of Time, October 2011
Nowra, Louis, The Light of Darkness, BBC Radio 3, 1 August 2010
Nutter, Alice, My Generation, BBC Radio 3, 5 February 2012
Nye, Robert, The Late Mr. Shakespeare, BBC Radio 4, 1 November 2008
_____, Mrs. Shakespeare, BBC Radio 7, 11 December 2009
Oberman, Tracy-Ann, Bette and Joan and Baby Jane, BBC Radio 4, 29 April 2010
______, Rock and Doris and Elizabeth, BBC Radio 4, 16 October 2012
Oboler, Arch, The Cat Wife, Fitzroy Radio Hour, 2008
O'Brian, Patrick, adapted by Roger Danes, HMS Surprise, BBC Radio 4, 18-20 August 2010
O'Brien, Edna, adapted by Miranda Davies, Country Girl, BBC Radio 4, 1-5 October 2012
O'Casey, Sean, The Plough and the Stars, BBC Radio 3, 4 December 2011
O'Connor, Joseph, The Night My Dad Became English, BBC Radio 4, 1 December 2013
O'Donnell, Peter, dramatized by Stef Penney, Modesty Blaise, 18-22 December 2012
O'Gorman, Marc Ivan, Who Killed Bill? Newstalk Ireland, 12-13 May 2012
Oliphant, Margaret, dramatized by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, Hester, BBC Radio 4, 30 December 2013 - 3 January 2014
O'Neill, Eugene, The Hairy Ape, BBC Radio 3, 6 December 2009
Onuwaje, Michael Atseoritse, New Benin, facebook.com/NewBenin, 2012
Orr, Mary, adapted by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard, All About Eve, Gypsy Audio, 14 August 2012
Orton, Joe, Funeral Games, BBC Radio 4, 11 July 2008
Orwell, George, adapted by John Peacock, Animal Farm, BBC Radio 7, 21-25 June 2010
______, Essays and Journalism, BBC Radio 4, 18-23 February 2013
_____, adapted by Sam McBratney, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, BBC Radio 7, 16 November 2009
______, dramatized by Jonathan Holloway, Nineteen Eighty-Four, BBC Radio 4, 10-17 February 2013
Osborne, Frank, The Block: Restart, Grapevine AV, 27 April 2012
Osborne, John, adapted by John Foley, The Entertainer, BBC Radio 7, 5 December 2009
______, adapted by Philip Osment, A Patriot for Me, BBC Radio 3, 7 June 2015
Ovid, Echo and Narcissus, BBC Radio 4, 6-7 March 2008
Paine, Thomas, These are the Times - A Life, BBC Radio 4, 26 July - 2 August 2008
Paines Plough at 40, BBC Radio 3, 21 December 2014
Palin, Michael, abridged by Libby Spurrier, The Truth, BBC Radio 4, 2-13 July 2012
Palmer, Philip, Bearing Witness, BBC Radio 4, 12 December 2012
______, Invasion, BBC Radio 4, 18 June 2013
______, Red and Blue, BBC Radio 4, 25 April 2012
Pamuk, Orhan, Book Club. BBC Radio 4, 6 May 2010
_____, My Name is Red, BBC Radio 4, 3-10 August 2008
Parker, Charles, music by Ewan MacColl, The Radio Ballads, BBC Radio 7, 4 July 2009
Parker, Gareth, The Autopsy, Wireless Theatre Company, January 2012
Patterson, Glenn, Tilly's Tale, BBC Radio 4, 1 December 2013
Paterson, Robyn, Little Gou and the Standing Engagement, Kung Fu Theatre, May 2012
Peacock, John, Jack and the Genetically Modified Beanstalk, BBC Radio 4, 24 December 2011
Beryl: A Love Story on Two Wheels by Maxine Peake, Afternoon Drama on BBC Radio 4
______, Queens of the Coal Age, BBC Radio 4, 4 November 2013
Pearson, Chris, Codename Wizard - the Sword in the Stone, soundcloud,com, 8 March 2012
Penny Dreadfuls present Guy Fawkes, The. BBC Radio 4, 5 November 2009
Pepys, Samuel, dramatized by Hattie Naylor, Diary (1662), BBC Radio 4, 30 January - 3 February 2012
____, Diary of Samuel Pepys (1663), BBC Radio 4, 14-18 May 2012
Perec, Georges, translated by David Bellos, The Art and Craft of Approaching Your Head of Department to Submit a Request for
a Raise, BBC Radio 3, 8 December 2012
Perry, Jimmy, and Croft, David, Dad's Army: The Cricket Match. BBC Radio 7, 30 August 2010
Perry, Nick, November Dead List, BBC Radio 4, 20-24 January 2014
______, The Transfer, BBC Radio 4, 12 February 2015
Peters, Lloyd, Bell in the Ball, BBC Radio 4, 25 June 2010
Pharoah, Ashley, The Levels, BBC Radio 4, 22 November 2013
Phillips, Caryl, A Long Way From Home, BBC Radio 3, 30 March 2008
Pike, Robert L., adapted by Adrian Bean, Bullitt, BBC Radio 4, 24 October 2009
Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing, Dandy Dick, BBC Radio 7, 12 December 2009
Pinter, Harold, Betrayal, BBC Radio 4, 14 July 2012
______, The Birthday Party, BBC Radio 4 (1970)
______, The Caretaker, BBC Radio 4, 27 November 2010
_____, Landscape, BBC Radio 4, 8 May 2008
_____ , Landscape (Part 2), BBC Radio 4, 2 January 2009
_____ , Moonlight, BBC Radio 3, 15 February 2009
_____, Mountain Language, RTE Drama on One, 22 August 2011
______, Old Times, BBC Radio 3, 5 January 2014
Pirsig, Robert M, dramatized by Peter Flannery, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, BBC Radio 4, 23 June 2012
Placey, Evan, Mother of Him, BBC Radio 3, 7 December 2013
Planer, Nigel, The Magnificent Andrea, BBC Radio 4, 22 March 2011
Plant, Alison, Lovely Jubilee, Radio Cardiff, 5 June 2012
Plater, Alan, adapted by Lee Hall, Close the Coalhouse Door, BBC Radio 4, 29 September 2012
______, The Gallery. BBC Radio 7, 25 August 2010
Plath, Sylvia, abridged by Sally Marmion, The Bell Jar, BBC Radio 4, 11-20 February 2013
Poe, Edgar Allan, adapted by Macabre Mansions, The Fall of the House of Usher, Public Radio Exchange, 31 August 2010
______, The Fall of the House of Usher, read by Sean Barrett, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 19 January 2014
______, The Gold Bug, adapted by Gregory Evans, BBC Radio 7, 17 January 2009
______, adapted by George Lowthar, The Premature Burial, CBS Mystery Theater, 6 January 1975
_____, The Raven, performed by Bell's in the Batfry
Poet, Frances, The Disappointed, BBC Radio Scotland, 18 February 2015
Poliakoff, Stephen, Blinded by the Sun, BBC Radio 4, 8 March 2008
_____, Playing with Trains, BBC Radio 4, 20-27 March 2010
Polley, Jacob, A Potion, BBC Radio 4, 14 June 2015
Pollock, Alan, Philip and Sydney (2010), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 12 February 2015
Pomerance, Bernard, The Elephant Man. BBC World Service, 22 August 2010
Pomeroy, Graham, All Nighter, CBC Radio, 5 May 1981
Potter, Beatrix, A Life in Nature, BBC Radio 7, 1 November 2009
______, adapted by Sean Grundy, Tales, BBC Radio 4, 23-27 December 2013
Pound, Ezra, Ezra Caged, BBC Radio 4, 21 December 2008
Power, Natalia, The Man Who Built Tunnels (2007), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 1 April 2015
Pownall, David, Barbara Allen. BBC Radio 7, 5 August 2010
_____, Dreams and Censorship, BBC Radio 7, 23 October 2010
_____, Master Class, BBC Radio 4, 31 January 2009
_____, Nyama, BBC Radio 4, 23 April 2010
_____ , Slow Boat to Leningrad, BBC Radio 4, 22 August 2009
_____, Tennyson and Edison, BBC Radio 3, 3 June 2012
______, Under the Table (1995), BBC Radio 4, 14 February 2015
_____, Writing on Wigan Pier, BBC Radio 4, 31 July 2010
Poyser, Jim, Chopin in Manchester, BBC Radio 4, 9 April 2013
Priestley, J. B., An English Journey, BBC Radio 7, 25 May 2010
_____, adapted by Jane Marshall, Blackout in Gretley, BBC Radio 4, 31 May - 11 June 2010
_____, adapted by Diana Griffiths, Bright Day, BBC Radio 4, 30 May - 6 June 2010
______, adapted by Eric Pringle, The Good Companions, BBC Radio 7, 21-23 October 2009
______, dramatized by Patricia Mayes, The Grey Ones, BBC Radio 4 Eztra, 1 March 2013
_____ , An Inspector Calls, BBC Radio 7, 23 February 2008
_____, An Inspector Calls, BBC Radio 4, 21 April 2012
_____, adapted by Bert Coules, Lost Empires, BBC Radio 7, 29 June - 2 July 2010
_____, adapted by Julian Wilkinson, Postscripts, BBC Radio 7, 8-13 November 2009
_____, adapted by Sue Wilson, Time and the Conways, BBC Radio 7, 31 May 2010
_____, When We are Married, BBC Radio 7, 16 January 2011
Preston, Trevor, Flaw in the Motor, Dust in the Blood, BBC Radio 4, 25 November 2008
Producers' Showcase, A Bloody Mess, WPMG Maine, 10 July 2013
Prouty, Olive Higgins, adapted by Neville Teller, Now Voyager, BBC Radio 4, 16 May 2010
Pryce, Malcolm, Aberystwyth Noir - It Ain't Over till the Bearded Lady Sings, BBC Radio 4, 15 May 2013
Pryde, Kathryn, Genesis Avalon, Pendant Audio Productions, February 2012
Purcell, Jane, The Eggy Doylers, BBC Radio 4, 22 March 2012
Pushkin, Alexander, adapted by Duncan Macmillan, Eugene Onegin, BBC Radio 4, 25-29 November 2013
Pylypiuk, Tim, The Skowl's Call, ANCA Radio for Blogtalk Radio, 19 May 2012
Pym, Barbara, adapted by Jennie Howarth, An Unsuitable Attachment, BBC Radio 7, 26 April - 7 May 2010
Quinn, Anthony, abridged by Lizzie Davies, Curtain Call, BBC Radio 4, 12-23 January 2015
Rabelais, Francois, dramatized by Lavinia Murray, Gargantua and Pantagruel, BBC Radio 4, 11-18 December 2011
Racine, Jean, Bajazet, BBC Radio 3, 22 June 2008
Radice, Sophie, adapted by Charlotte Jones, The Henry Experiment, BBC Radio 4, 23-27 February 2015
Radio Project X, Podcasts June 2012 -
Radio Repertory Company of America, Song Bird, July 2011
Rainford, N. J., Star Rabbit Tracks, Misfits Audio, 2010
Ralling, Christopher, The Walrus and the Terrier, BBC Radio 4, 2 April 2008
Ramsden, Lou, A Greek Proposal, BBC Radio 4, 2 June 2012
Ransome, Arthur, Swallows and Amazons, adapted by David Wood, BBC Radio 7, 13-14 April 2009
Rashleigh, Andy. Kind Hearts (2006), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 23 June 2015
Raphael, Frederic, Final Demands, BBC Radio 4, 4-19 March 2010
______, Jake Liebowitz: A Life in Film (2013), BBC Radio 4, 14 February 2015
Rasovsky, Yuri, Sweeney Todd and the String of Pearls, Hollywood Theater of the Air, 2007
Rattigan, Terence, The Browning Version, RTE Radio 1, 14 April 1978; BBC Radio 4, 11 June 2011
_____, adapted by David Timson, The Deep Blue Sea, BBC Radio 3, 1 February 2009
______, Flare Path, BBC Radio 3, 14 October 2012
______, adapted by Ian Cotterell, The Winslow Boy, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 20 October 2012
Ravenhill, Mark, Imo and Ben, BBC Radio 3, 30 June 2013
______, The Process, BBC Radio 3, 12 May 2015
______, Yesterday an Incident Occurred ... BBC Radio 3, 30 April 2008
Read, Piers Paul, The House on Highbury Hill, Audio Factory, 24 May 2012
Reason, Christopher, The Repulsive Woman, BBC Radio 4, 27 February 2009
_____, The Thank You Present, BBC Radio 3, 12 November 2011
Rebellato, Dan, Negative Signs of Progress; Here, BBC Radio 4, 25 February 2012
______, Negative Signs of Progress: There and Somewhere, BBC Radio 4, 26-27 February 2013
Reckord, Barry, Skyvers, BBC Radio 3, 11 December 2011
Reed, Walter W., jr., adapted by John Reed, A Canticle for Leibowitz, WHA Los Angeles, 1961
Reid, Christopher, A Scattering, BBC Radio 4, 7 January 2014
Re: Lit on Radio Wildfire, 3 September 2012
Remarque, Erich Maria, All Quiet on the Western Front, BBC Radio 3, 9 November 2008
Retallack, John, Arlo, BBC Radio 4, 26 November 2013
The Reunion - Kerry Packer's World Series Cricket. BBC Radio 4, 23 August 2009
Richardson, Samuel, adapted by Hattie Naylor, Clarissa, BBC Radio 4, 14 March - 6 April 2010
Rhoades, Philip J., Crash Landing, soundcloud.com, 13 February 2013
Rhymes, Paul, Vic and Sade, vicandsade.net
Rhys, Jean, The Blue Hour: A Life, BBC Radio 4, 18-22 May 2009
Rice, Elmer, The Adding Machine, BBC Radio 3, 2 March 2008
Rickarby, Frank, Baring Up, BBC Radio 4, 19 March 2009
Ricks, Christopher, Five Easy Pieces, BBC Radio 3, 30 May - 3 June 2011
Ridley, Arnold, The Ghost Train, BBC Radio 7, 30 August 2008
Rigbey, Liz, An Everyday Story of Afghan Folk, BBC Radio 4, 18-22 June 2012
Rilke, Rainer Maria, Among the Ranks of the Living, BBC Radio 3, 27 March 2011
Rintoul, Fiona, abridged by Jeremy Osborne, The Leipzig Affair, BBC Radio 4, 16-27 March 2015
Rissik, Andrew, Dionysios, BBC Radio 7, 15 March 2009
Roberts, Michael Symmons, The Flea, BBC Radio 4, 16 April 2013
______, A Man in Pieces, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 8 Jan. 2015
______, Men Who Sleep in Cars (2014), BBC Radio 4, 5 February 2015
______, Migrant Mother, BBC Radio 3, 28 November 2010
______, The Sleeper, BBC Radio 4, 15 June 2013
______, A Traveller's Guide to Paterson, BBC Radio 3, 11 January 2015
_____, Worktown, BBC Radio 4, 11 September 2008
Robins, Elizabeth, Votes for Women, BBC Radio 3, 15 September 2013
Robson, William S., Calling All Cars, CBS Pacific, 4 July 1934
Rogers, Jane, The Testament of Jessie Lamb, BBC Radio 4, 22 June 2013
Rose, William, The Ladykillers, adapted by Bruce Bedford, BBC Radio 7, 16 May 2009
Rosenthal, Jack, adapted by Amy Rosenthal, Bar Mitzvah Boy, BBC Radio 4, 12 November 2011
Ross, Iain, A Thing inside a Thing inside a Thing. BBC Radio 4, 11 June 2015
Rostand, Edmund, Cyrano de Bergerac, BBC Radio 3, 21 March 2008
Rostand, Edmund, adapted by John Tydeman from a translation by Anthony Burgess, BBC Radio 3, 4 April 2010
Rrrants Collective, The, Rantanory: Little Stories, 2012
_____, Wellies, Tents and Chemical Khazees, Radio Drama Revival, 6 January 2012
Rudkin, David. Macedonia, BBC Radio 3, 15 Feb. 2015
Russell, Gary, The Confessions of Dorian Gray: The Picture of Loretta Delphine, Big Finish Audio, July 2013
Russell, Willy, Educating Rita, BBC Radio 4, 26 December 2009
_____, adapted by Glen Walford, Shirley Valentine, BBC Radio 4, 18 December 2010
Ryder, Dan, Dr. Carp: Paranormal Therapist, The Echo Chamber, April 2013 --