Sackville-West, Vita, dramatized by Jonathan Holloway, All Passion Spent, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 13-17 January 2014
Saki (H. H. Munro), The Seventh Pullet, BBC Radio 4, 27 December 2013
Sandler, Martin W., abridged by Penny Leicester, The Letters of John F. Kennedy, BBC Radio 4, 11-15 November 2013
Sarrecchia, Tony, Harry Strange: All Debts are Paid, harrystrange.com, 1 July 2012
______, Kitty, Eat Strange, harrystrangeradiodrama.libsyn.com, May 2015
Sayers, Dorothy L., adapted by Michael Bakewell, Gaudy Night, BBC Radio 7, 19-26 June 2010
Sebald, W. G., dramatized by Michael Butt, Austerlitz, BBC Radio 3, 16 December 2012
Scardifield, Simon, Ubykh, BBC Radio 4, 4 December 2012
Schiller, Friedrich, in a version by David Harrower, Mary Stuart, BBC Radio 3, 4 January 2015
Scott, Sir Walter, dramatized by Scott Cherry, The Fair Maid of Perth, BBC Radio 4, 14 April 2013
______, The Heart of Midlothian, adapted by Gerda Stevenson, BBC Radio 7, 29-30 June 2010
_____, The Master of Ballantrae, adapted by Chris Dolan, BBC Radio 7, 12-13 July 2010
_____, Rob Roy, adapted by Judith Adams, BBC Radio 7, 9-13 July 2009
______, adapted by Robin Brooks, Rob Roy, BBC Radio 4, 21 April 2013
______, dramatized by Mike Harris, BBC Radio 4, 28 April 2013
Schnitzler, Arthur, Professor Bernhardi, BBC Radio 3, 27 April 2008
Sellar, Paul, Takeover, BBC Radio 3, 26 February 2012
Semerciyan, Silva, Varanasi, Screen Test Audio Productions, 2012
Sergeant, Anthony, 26 Miles, Wireless Theatre Company, August 2012
Serraillier, Ian, adapted by Chris Wallis, The Silver Sword, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 1-15 May 2011
Sessions, John, A Dangerous Thing, BBC Radio 4, 2 December 2009
Sewell, Anna, adapted by Katie Hims, Black Beauty, BBC Radio 7, 31 August 2009
Sexton, Anne, Consorting with Angels - A Life, BBC Radio 4, 17 January 2010
Shaefer, Jack, adapted by Frances Byrnes, Shane, BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2013
Shafak, Elif, Goodbye to All That, BBC Radio 3, 7 July 2015
Shaffer, Peter, Amadeus, BBC Radio 3, 2 January 2011
_____, Amadeus, adapted by Neville Teller, BBC Radio 7, 24 May - 2 June 2010
Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra, BBC Radio 3, 28 December 2014
______, As You Like It, BBC Radio 3, 1 March 2015
______, Desmond Olivier Dingle's Compleat Works of William Shakespeare, BBC Radio 7, 26 February 2010
______, Hamlet, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 March 2014
_____, Hamlet in Howth, RTE Drama on One, 14 August 2012
______, Julius Caesar, BBC Radio 3, 15 February 2013, BBC Radio 4 Extra 16 February 2013
_____, King Henry VIII, BBC Radio 3, 19 April 2009
_____, King Lear, adapted by Fiona Bentley and Morys Aberdare, Living Shakespeare Production (1962)
______, Macbeth, BBC Radio 3, 17 May 2015
______, adapted by Colin Kelly and Kathryn Pride, Macbeth, 14 November 2012 - 13 March 2013
_____ , A Midsummer Night's Dream, BBC Radio 3, 10 May 2009
_____, A Midsummer Night's Dream, BBC Radio 3, 11 September 2011
_____, Much Ado About Nothing, music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, BBC Radio 3, 18 April 2012
_____, Much Ado About Nothing, Lean and Hungry Theater, Washington DC, 24 June 2012
_____ , Othello, BBC Radio 3, 4 May 2008
_____, Othello, BBC Radio 4, 27 February 2010
_____ , Othello, performed by Lenny Henry, BBC Radio 4, 20 February 2009
_____ , Pericles, BBC Radio 3, 30 November 2008
_____ , Richard III, BBC Radio 7, 31 October 2009
______, Richard III, BBC Radio 3, 14 April 2012
_____, Romeo and Juliet, BBC Radio 3, 29 April 2012
_____, Romeo and Juliet, Sydenham Community Radio, 12 August 2012
_____, The Tempest, BBC Radio 3, 6 May 2012
______, Twelfth Night, BBC Radio 7, 6 January 2011
_____, Twelfth Night, adapted by Sally Avens, BBC Radio 3, 22 April 2012
Shaw, George Bernard, Arms and the Man, BBC Radio 7, 1 February 2009
_____, adapted by David Timson, Arms and the Man, BBC Radio 3, 21 March 2010
_____ , Candida, BBC Radio 7, 8 February 2009
_____ , The Devil's Disciple, BBC Radio 7, 15 February 2009
_____ , adapted by Sean McKenna, Mrs. Warren's Profession, BBC Radio 7, 25 January 2009
_____, adapted by John Tydeman, Pygmalion, BBC Radio 7
______, Saint Joan (2011), BBC Radio 3, 25 January 2015
_____, Village Wooing, RTE Drama on One, 15 August 2011
______, Widowers' Houses, BBC Radio 3, 6 October 2013/ Librivox.org, 15 April 2013
______, You Never Can Tell (2013), BBC Radio 3, 1 February 2015
Shay, Helen, Dream, Encore Theatre, 2009
Shayon, Robert Lewis, You are There, CBS Radio, 4 July 1948
Shearer, Alex, The Diabolical Gourmet (2010), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 19 March 2015.
Shelley, Mary, dramatized by Lucy Catherine, Frankenstein, BBC Radio 4, 28 October - 4 November 2012
______, adapted by Nick Stafford, Frankenstein, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 30 May - 5 June 2011
_____, adapted by Eileen Horne, Mathilda, BBC Radio 4, 21-25 March 2011
_____, The Mortal Immortal, BBC Radio 7, 2 August 2009
Shephard, Mike, A First Time for Everything, Tin Can Podcast, June 2012
_____, Small Business Advice/ Shanks, Flora, Monty, Tin Can Podcast, audiotheque.co.uk, May 2012
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, The Rivals, Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air, 2005
Sherrin, Ned, Great Lives - Sir Donald Wolfit (2002), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 17 July 2014.
Shindler, Colin, How to be an Internee with no Previous Experience, BBC Radio 4, 16 December 2008
______, Rumours, BBC Radio 4, 21 September 2013
Shipton, Alyn, abridged by Libby Spurrier, Nilsson - The Life of a Singer/Songwriter, BBC Radio 4, 26-30 August 2013
Shriver, Lionel, Belgian Waffle, BBC Radio 4, 22 May 2011
Sen, Jon, 4-4-68: The Death of Martin Luther King, BBC Radio 4, 29 March 2008
Sibley, Brian, The Northern Irish Man in C. S. Lewis, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 22 November 2013
Siegel, Chet, Falling, The Truth, 10 April 2013
Silas, Shelley, Mr. Jones Goes Driving, BBC Radio 4, 7 March 2011
Sillitoe, Alan, dramatized by Robert Rigby, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, BBC Radio 4, 1-8 September 2013
Silva, Hannah, and Colin Teevan, Marathom Tales, BBC Radio 3, 11 August 2012
Simenon, Georges, adapted by Alison Joseph, Madame Maigret's Own Case, BBC Radio 7, 10-13 August 2009
_____ , adapted by Ronald Frame, Monsieur Monde Vanishes, BBC Radio 4, 11 February 2009
______, dramatized by Ronald Frame, The Neighbours, BBC Radio 4, 8 November 2012
_____, adapted by Ronald Frame, Striptease, BBC Radio 4, 17 December 2010
______, dramatized by Ronald Frame, The Venice Train, BBC Radio 4, 15 November 2012
Simmons, Kathryn, Poetry for Beginners, BBC Radio 4, 10 July 2009
Simpson, Helen, dramatized by Liz Lochhead, Burns and the Bankers, BBC Radio 4, 25 January 2012
Simpson, Julian, Bad Memories, BBC Radio 4, 7 January 2011
Simpson, N. F., A Resounding Tinkle, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25 December 2012
Sinclair, Gregory J., Trust Inc, CBC Radio, 4-11 January 2012
Sirr, Peter, Oblivion, RTÉ Drama on One, 1 June 2012
Sissay, Lemn, Why I Don't Hate White People, BBC Radio 3, 16 October 2010
Skinner, J. R. D., All Things Being Equal, Flashpulp.com, 15 May 2012
______, Coffin: Infrastructure, Flash Pulp.com, 29 May - 4 June 2012
_____, Mulligan Smith and the Endangered Granny, Flashpulp.com. 24-28 February 2012
Slater, Nigel, dramatized by Sarah Daniels, Eating for England, BBC Radio 4, 29 December 2014 - 2 January 2015
Smiles, Roy, Dear Arthur, Love John, BBC Radio 4, 7 May 2012
______, Goodnight from Him, BBC Radio 4, 27 May 2013
______, Memories of a Cad, BBC Radio 4, 30 December 2014
_____, Pythonesque. BBC Radio 4, 15 September 2010
Smith, Gareth, Bluff Cove Disaster, Cornucopia Radio, November 2011
Smith, Joe Bates, The Shadow: Spider Boy, Mutual Network, 11 November 1945
Smith, Kellie, Homeowners, BBC Radio 4, 29 May 2012
Smith, Alexander McCall, 44 Scotland Street: The Blue Spode Tea Cup, BBC Radio 4, 9-13 February 2015
Smith, Stef, Tea and Symmetry, BBC Scotland, 21 December 2011
Solon, Matthew, The Bid, BBC World Service, 17 December 2011
_____, The Day That Lehman Died, BBC World Service, 6 September 2009
_____, Five Days in May, BBC Radio 4, 21 May 2011
______, Recent Events at Collington House, BBC Radio 4, 20, 23 March 2015
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, BBC Radio 4, 6 September 2008
Sondheim, Stephen. Finishing the Hat, BBC Radio 4, 20-24 December 2010
Sophocles, Oedipus/ Enders, BBC Radio 4, 13 April 2010
______, translated by Ian Johnston, Oedipus the King, Chatterboz Audio Theater, January - March 2013
Spark, Muriel, Brief Sparks, BBC Radio 4, 8-22 January 2012
Spaulding, Scott, This Thing of Ours, Harvest Audio Productions in association with Decorated Air Theatre, October 2011 -
February 2012
Speight, Johnny, The Arthur Haynes Show, BBC Radio 7, 6 March 2011
Spicer, David, Kind Hearts and Coronets - Like Father Like Daughter, BBC Radio 4, 19 May 2012
Spurling, Hilary, abridged by Alison Joseph, Burying the Bones (2010), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 2-6 March 2015
Spyri, Johanna, adapted by Berlie Doherty, Heidi, BBC Radio 7, 11 January 2009
Stadon, Vince, The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes, The 4077th, 2011
Stafford, Alan, Hoffnung - Drawn to Music, BBC Radio 4, 28 September 2009
Stafford, David and Caroline, Birkett and the Blind Soldier, BBC Radio 4, 3 January 2012
_____, Feminine Forever, BBC Radio 4, 24-28 September 2012
_____, abridged by Julian Wilkinson, Fings ain't Wot They Used T'Be: The Lionel Bart Story, BBC Radio 4, 26-30 December 2011
Staveacre, Tony, Wodehouse in Hollywood, BBC Radio 4, 14 December 2010
Steel, Emily, Bite, BBC Radio 4, 3 May 2012
Steinbeck, John, dramatized by Donna Franceschild, The Grapes of Wrath, BBC Radio 4, 2-16 September 2012
_____, adapted by Donna Franceschild, Of Mice and Men, BBC Radio 4, 7 March 2010
Stephenson, Carl, Leinigen Versus the Ants, Fitzrovia Radio Hour, 2008
Stephenson, Shelagh, How Does That Make You Feel? BBC Radio 4, 23-27 March 2015
______, The People's Princess, BBC Radio 4, 11 December 2008
Stevens, Christopher, adapted by Libby Spurrier, Born Brilliant: The Life of Kenneth Williams, BBC Radio 4, 29 November -
3 December 2010
Stevenson, R. L., adapted by Donald Johnson, The Bottle Imp, BBC Radio 7, 5 March 2011
_____, adapted by Yvonne Antrobus, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, BBC Radio 4, 25 July 2009
_____, dramatized by Jill Brooke, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 19 May 2012
_____, adapted by John Scottney, Treasure Island. BBC Radio 7, 8 August 2010
_____ , The Weir of Hermiston, adapted by Robert Forrest, BBC Radio 7, 20 June 2009
Stoker, Bram, adapted by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, Dracula, BBC Radio 4, 14-21 October 2012
Stoppard, Tom, Darkside, BBC Radio 2, 26 August 2013
______, The Dog it was that Died/ The Dissolution of Dominic Boot, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 1 July 2012
_____, If You're Glad I'll Be Frank/ Where are They Now? BBC Radio 4 Extra, 3 July 2012
Storey, David, adapted by Martin Jenkins, Home, BBC Radio 3, 11 January 2009
______, adapted by Andrew Lynch, This Sporting Life, BBC Radio 4, 31 August 2013
Strickland, Peter. The Len Continuum, BBC Radio 4, 18 June 2015
Strindberg, August, in a new version by Laurie Slade, The Father, BBC Radio 3, 22 September 2013
Sturgeon, Theodore, adapted by Peter Church, The Other Celia, Radio Project X, August 2012
Sullivan, Anita, The Hedge, BBC Radio 4, 27 April 2012
Surtees, Robert Smith, adapted by Scott Cherry, Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities, BBC Radio 4, 24 April - 1 May 2011
Swannell, Graham, Kiss of Life (1987), BBC Raddio 4 Extra, 27 March 2015
Swift, Jonathan, adapted by Matthew Broughton, Gulliver's Travels, BBC Radio 4, 5-19 February 2012
Sykes, Jay, Sea Burn, wix.com, 2015
Synge, J.M., The Tinker's Wedding and Riders to the Sea, BBC Radio 3, 15 March 2009
Szpilman, Wladyslaw, adapted by Justine Potter, The Pianist, BBC Radio 4, 26 June 2010
Tagoe, Ben, Triple Word Score, BBC Radio 4, 12 June 2015
Taylor, Edward. The Men from the Ministry: Cricket in France, BBC Radio 7, 3 February 2011
T&E Productions, Mega Tales, August 2012 -
Temple-Morris, Boz, and Hollington, Chris, Scream, BBC Radio 4, 17 April 2010
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, adapted by Tim Dee, In Memoriam, BBC Radio 4, 1 February 2011
_____, In Our Time - In Memoriam, BBC Radio 4, 30 June 2011
_____, Ulysses Revisited, BBC Radio 4, 2 August 2009
Thackeray, William Makepeace, adapted by Don McCamphill, Barry Lyndon. BBC Radio 7, 14-15 July 2010
_____, dramatized by Orson Welles, Vanity Fair, Campbell Playhouse, 7 January 1940
Theato, Ann, and Brion, Sarah-Jane, A Maiden Without Hands and Hansel and Gretel, Wireless Theatre Company, 5-6 December 2011
______, and Steve Spence, Life at Death's Door, Wireless Theatre Company, 2013
______, Life at Death's Door, Episode 2, Part 1, Wireless Theatre Company, April 2015
Thirkell, Angela, abridged by Jane Marshall, Three Houses, BBC Radio 4, 23-27 December 2012
Thomas, Dylan. All the Christmases: A Child's Christmas in Wales, BBC Radio 4, 25 December 2014
______, The Art of Conversation, BBC Radio 4, 3 December 2008
______, A Child's Christmas in Wales, BBC Radio Wales, 24 December 2014
______, Under Milk Wood, BBC Wales, 25 December 2014
Thomas, R. S., The Minister, BBC Radio 4, 29 March 2013
Thompson, Brian B., Trueman and Riley, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26-30 March 2012
Thompson, Harry, Penguins Stopped Play, BBC Radio 7, 13-17 July 2009
Thoreau, Henry David, Civil Disobedience
_____ , Walden (Librivox, com, 2006)
Thorne, Richard, The Night the Fog Came In, KSL/ Mutual Broadcasting, 23 October 1953
Thorpe, Nick, This Solitary Bird, BBC Scotland, 20 December 2011
Thrower, Jon, We Are Not Alone!, Comedy Podcast, April 2012
Tinniswood, Peter, Anton in Eastbourne, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 13 February 2013
_____, The Governor's Consort, BBC Radio 7, 26 February 2010
_____, The Last Obituary, BBC 7, 19 October 2008
_____, On the Whole It's Been a Lot of Fun, BBC Radio 7, 18 January 2009
Toibin, Colm, Henry James the Master, BBC Radio 4, 3 August 2008
Toman, Aron, Yes Santa, There is a Davros, Croosovers.org
Topsoe, Ingeborg, Lost in Mexico, BBC Radio 4, 25-26 March 2013
Toudouze, George, adapted by James Poe, Three Skeleton Key, One Act Audio Theater, October 2004
Trafford, Steve, Marie Lloyd, Queen of the Halls (1990), BBC Radio 4 Extra, 31 May 2015
Tran, Stephen, Building Freedom, Buddha Media, January 2012
Travers, P.L., The Fox and the Manger, adapted by Brian Sibley, BBC Radio 7, 24 December 2008
_____, Mary Poppins, adapted by Hazel Marshall, BBC Radio 7, 31 May 2010
Trevor, William, The House in Umbria, BBC Radio 7, 9 August 2009
Trollope, Anthony, adapted by Martyn Wade, Barchester Towers, BBC Radio 7, 21-24 July 2009
______, dramatized by Nich Warburton, Barchester Towers, BBC Radio 4, 2-16 February 2014
_____, adapted by Philip Glasborough, Christmas Day at Kirkby Cottage, BBC Radio 7, 25 December 2009
______, dramatized by Rose Tremain, The Eustace Diamonds, BBC Radio 4, 23 December 2012 - 6 January 2013
______, dramatized by Nick Warburton, The Last Chronicle of Barset, BBC Radio 4, 6-27 June 2015
_____, adapted by Martyn Wade, Miss Mackenzie, BBC Radio 4, 9-16 January 2011
_____, adapted by Martyn Wade, The Pallisers, BBC Radio 7, 11-26 January 2010
_____, adapted by Martyn Wade, The Small House at Allington, BBC Radio 7, 21-25 March 2011
______, dramatized by Michael Symmons Roberts, The Small House at Allington, BBC Radio 4, 21 December 2014 - 4 January 2015
______, dramatized by Michael Symmons Roberts, The Warden, BBC Radio 4, 26 January 2014
Trollope, Joanna, adapted by Rachel Joyce, Second Honeymoon, BBC Radio 4, 26-30 September 2011
Trumbo, Christopher, Trumbo, BBC Radio 4, 15 August 2009
Trunk, Jonny, Sounds of the 70s: Between the Ears, BBC Radio 3, 25 December 2010
Truth, The, False Ending, The Truth, 13 January 2013
______, It's Going to Change Your Life, The Truth, 21 February 2013
______, Interruptible, The Truth: Movies for your Ears, March 2012
______, Where Have You Been?, Movies for Your Ears, 22 March 2013
Tucker-Green, Debbie, Random, BBC Radio 3, 13 March 2010
Twain, Mark, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Monterey Soundworks, 2004
_____, adapted by Neville Teller, Huckleberry Finn, BBC Radio 7, 3-14 May 2010
_____, dramatized by Bryony Lavery, The Million Pound Banknote, BBC Radio 4, 31 December 2011
Tyler, Anne, dramatized by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, BBC Radio 4, 20-31 May 2013
Tynan, Kenneth, Kenneth Tynan's Theatre Writings, BBC Radio 7, 8-12 March 2010
Valentine, Robert, and Parker, Gareth, The Strange Case of Srpingheel'd Jack, Wireless Theatre Company, Jan-March 2012
Vegas, Johnny, Stewart Lee and Rob Thirtle, Interiors, BBC Radio 4, 16 March 2012
Verne, Jules, adapted by Terry James, Around the World in Eighty Days, BBC Radio 7, 7-28 February 2010
Vickers, Peter, NQ 48, BBC Radio 4, 10 April 2009
Vickers, Salley, Where Three Roads Meet, BBC Radio 4, 16 March 2009
Viner, Andrew, Speechless, BBC Radio 4, 9 June 2015
Virgil, dramatized by Hattie Naylor from a translation by Robert Fagles, The Aeneid, BBC Radio 4, 18-25 August 2013
Wade, Martyn, Bronte Country, BBC Radio 7, 18 June 2010
______, Burn the Aeneid! BBC Radio 4 Extra, 21 January 2015
_____. Gondal. BBC Radio 7, 31 July 2010
______, The Healing of Sergei Rachmaninov, BBC Radio 4, 28 November 2012
_____, Miss Mackenzie by Anthony Trollope, BBC Radio 4, 9-16 January 2011
______, Moeran's Last Symphony, BBC Rsdio 4, 9 November 2012
_____, Singles and Doublets, BBC Radio 3, 24 June 2012
______, A World of Fools and Knaves, BBC Radio 4, 7 July 2013
_____, Young Coleridge, BBC Radio 7, 26 October 2008
Wainwright, Tom, The Wainwrights, BBC Radio 4, 5 November 2013
Wakelam, Stephen, The Jinx Element, BBC Radio 4, 21 January 2012
______, John Osborne - The Author of Himself, BBC Radio 4, 2 September 2013
_____, Living with Princes, BBC Radio 3, 23 January 2011
_____, The Pattern of Painful Adventures, BBC Radio 3, 24 April 2010
______, A Dose of Fame, BBC Radio 4, 16 October 2009
_____, A Dose of Fame (2nd listening), BBC Radio 4, 16 November 2011
_____, Waiting for the Boatman, BBC Radio 4, 16 March 2012
Walker, Alice, The Color Purple, adapted by Pat Kumper, BBC Radio 7, 10-17 May 2009
Walker, Mike, Alpha and Omega, Two Science Fiction Plays, BBC Radio 7, 5-6 March 2009
_____, Beyond Borders, BBC Radio 4, 16 December 2011
_____, Dickens Confidential - Why are we in Afghanistan? BBC Radio 4, 3 November 2009
______, The Edison Cylinders, BBC Radio 4, 23 March 2013
_____, The Gun Goes to Hollywood, BBC Radio 4, 14 March 2011
_____, Henry V: True Believers, BBC Radio 4, 1 April 2012
_____, Henry VI - A Simple Man, BBC Radio 4, 8 April 2012
______, It Came With a Lass, BBC Radio 4, 29 June 2013
______, The Loneliest Boy in the World, BBC Radio 4, 30 June 2013
_____, Sunk, BBC Radio 4, 28 May 2011
______, Top Kill, BBC Radio 4, 15 October 2012
______, This War Without an Enemy, BBC Radio 4, 14 July 2013
______, Waterloo: The Ball at Brussels, BBC Radio 4, 17 June 2015
Wallace, Edgar, The Mind of Mr. J.G.Reeder: The Troupe, BBC Radio 7, 18 June 2009
Walpole, Hugh, The Walpole Chronicles, BBC Radio 4, 3 May 2011
Wandor, Michelene, Courtly Love, BBC Radio 3, 17 June 2012
Ward, Dayton, The Adventures of Space Marshal Dylan McCade, Sci-Fi Commons, January 2013-
Ward, Jack J. One by One, Darker Musings Anthology, 30 October 2012
Waring, Richard, Marriage Lines - The Job, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 25 December 2013
Watchurst, Neville, A Vital Flaw, BBC Radio 7, 7 September 2009
Wartburton, Nick, Irongate, BBC Radio 4, 22 July 2013
______, The Last Days of Grace, BBC Radio 4, 24 September 2008
_____ , Lawn Wars, BBC Radio 4, 12 January 2009
_____, People's Passion, BBC Radio 4, 2-6 April 2012
Water, Steve, The Air Gap, BBC Radio 4, 6 October 2012
Waterhouse, Keith, abridged by Elizabeth Bradley, Billy Liar, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 16-20 March 2015
______, Billy Liar - 50 Years On. BBC Radio 4, 6 August 2009
Waugh, Evelyn, adapted by Jeremy Front, Brideshead Revisited, BBC Radio 7, 17-20 November 2009
_____, The Loved One, adapted by Jonathan Holloway, BBC Radio 4, 27 December 2008
_____ , Scoop, adapted by Jeremy Front, BBC Radio 4, 15-22 February 2009
_____, Short Stories, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 10-11 October 2011
_____, adapted by Barrie Campbell, The Sword of Honour Trilogy, BBC Radio 7, 16-30 March 2010
______, dramatized by Jeremy Front, The Sword of Honour trilogy, BBC Radio 4, 29 September - 10 November 2013
Wayland, KC and Shane Selk, We're Alive, ZombiePodcast.com
_____, Short Term Memory, Zombie Podcast, July 2012
Webb, Charles, adapted by Polly Thomas, The Graduate, BBC Radio 4, 15-22 July 2012
Webster, John, The Duchess of Malfi, BBC Radio 3, 8 November 1992
_____, The Duchess of Malfi, BBC Radio 3, 12 October 2008
_____. The White Devil, adapted by Marc Beeby, BBC Radio 3, 15 August 2010
Weiner, Larry, Anne Manx and the Empress Blair Project, Radio Repertory Company of America, 2009
Weller, Mat, 2109, Brokensea.com, October 2012
Welles, Orson, Radio Almanac, CBS Radio, 2 February 1944
Wells, H. G., The New Accelerator, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 26 January 2015
______, The Time Machine, adapted by Philip Osment, BBC Radio 3, 30 August 2009
______, adapted by Orson Welles, The War of the Worlds, Mercury Theatre on the Air, 30 October 1938
Wells, Jamie, The Man Who Got Fired, www.sendspace.com
Welty, Eudora, The Essential Eudora Welty, Caedmon Records, 1956
Wertenbaker, Timberlake, Our Country's Good, BBC Radio 4, 17 December 2011
Wesker, Arnold, Chicken Soup with Barley, BBC Radio 3, 20 May 2012
______, Roots, BBC Radio 3, 24 March 2014
_____, Shylock, BBC Radio 3, 1 June 2008
Whaley, Andrew, Banished: Mugabe of Zimbabwe, BBC Radio 4, 17 December 2010
Wharton, Edith, The Age of Innocence, adapted by Christopher Reason, BBC Radio 7, 16-18 March 2009
_____, The Custom of the Country, adapted by Jane Rogers, BBC Radio 4, 3-17 January 2010
_____, dramatized by Lin Coghlan, Ethan Frome, BBC Radio 4, 16-20 January 2012
_____ , adapted by Micheline Wandor, Ethan Frome, BBC Radio 7, 2 November 2008
_____ , Madame de Tremes, BBC Radio 7, 14 November 2008
_____ , The Reef, BBC Radio 7, 4-11 May 1008
White Streak Productions, Jack's Women, 22 July 2013
Whitehead, Gregory, Bring Me the Head of Philip K.Dick, BBC Radio 3, 8 March 2009
Whitelaw, Daniel, Blue Sky, Mad Geek Productions, 2008-
Whitman, Peter, The Sound of Fury, BBC Radio 7, 24 May 2008
Whitman, Walt, Song of Myself, Librovox.com Recording, April-September 2007
_____ , Whitman in Bolton, BBC Radio 4, 5 July 2009
Wilde, Oscar, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, BBC Radio 7, 30 November 2010
_____, The Canterville Ghost, BBC Radio 7, 11-13 November 2009
_____, The Happy Prince, BBC Radio 7, 26 December 2009
_____, An Ideal Husband, BBC Radio 3, 14 February 2010
_____, An Ideal Husband, BBC Radio 7, 26 November 2010
_____, The Importance of Being Earnest, BBC Radio 7, 11 October 2009
_____, Lady Windermere's Fan, BBC Radio 7, 13 December 2010
_____, adapted by Merlin Holland, Letters, BBC Radio 7, 29 November - 3 December 2010
_____. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, BBC Radio 7, 29 November - 1 December 2010
_____, The Nightingale and the Rose, BBC Radio 7, 4 April 2010
_____, adapted by Nick McCarty, The Picture of Dorian Gray, BBC Radio 7, 30-31 October 2010
_____, adapted by Adrian Bean, A Woman of no Importance, BBC Radio 7, 5 December 2010
Wilde, Percival, adapted by Daniel Wanschura, The Lost Elevator, Northern Lights Media, April 2013
Wilkie, Matthew. In Aldershot. BBC Radio 4, 23 February 2015
Williams, Charlotte, 23/02/13, BBC Radio 4, 23 February 2013
Williams, Heathcote, Hancock's Last Half-Hour, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 27 April 2012
Williams, Lindsay, A Little Bit of Latitude, BBC Radio 4, 24 August 2012
Williams, Nigel, HR, BBC Radio 4, 1 February 2012
Williams, Roy, The Interrogation, BBC Radio 4, 12 February 2012
Williams, Tennessee, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, BBC Radio 3, 16 March 2008
_____, An Evening with Tennessee Williams, RTE Drama on One, 26 August 2011
_____, Spring Storm, BBC Radio 3, 6 March 2011
Williams, William Carlos, Reads his Own Poetry, Privately Recorded, May 1955
Willis, Ted, Dixon of Dock Green, BBC Radio 4, 10 March 2008
Wilson, Andrew, abridged by Miranda Davies, Mad Girl's Love Song, BBC Radio 4, 11-15 February 2013
Wilson, August, Fences, BBC Radio 3, 10 January 2010
_____, The Piano Lesson, BBC Radio 3, 27 November 2011
Wilson, Esther, The Pursuits of Darleen Fyles, BBC Radio 4, 25-29 June 2012
_____, Tony Teardrop, BBC Rsdio 3, 17 March 2012
Wilson, Snoo, Fat Cats, BBC Radio 4, 14 January 2012
Winterson, Jeanette, Ship of Dreams, BBC Radio 4, 9-13 April 2012
Wodehouse, P. G., The Artistic Career of Corky, BBC Radio 4, 20 December 2010
_____, Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest, BBC Radio 4, 27 December 2010
_____, read by Martin Jarvis, Bertie Changes his Mind, BBC Radio 4, 26 March 2010
_____, adapted by Chris Miller, Joy in the Morning, BBC Radio 7, 20 October - 7 December 2010
_____, adapted by Archie Scottney, Something Fresh, BBC Radio 4, 29 March - 5 April 2009
_____, adapted by Archie Scottney, Summer Lightning, BBC Radio 4, 4-11 July 2010
_____, dramatized by Archie Scottney, Uncle Fred in the Springtime, BBC Radio 4, 22-29 April 2012
_____ , Without the Option, BBC Radio 7, 3-10 April 2009
Wolfe, Casey, Clang, Earbud Theater, October 2012
Wood, Victoria, adapted by John Foley, Pat and Margaret, BBC Radio 4, 25 December 2010
Wooley, Sarah, Coalition, BBC Radio 4, 6 January 2012
______, Moving Music, BBC Radio 4, 8 November 2013
______, A Nice Little Holiday, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 28 January 2015
Woolf, Virginia, dramatized by Michelene Wandor, Mrs. Dalloway, BBC Radio 4, 20-27 March 2012
_____, Landmarks: Mrs. Dalloway, BBC Radio 3, 30 March 2011
_____, adapted by Miranda Davies and Lucy Collingwood, Mrs. Dalloway's Party, BBC Radio 4, 15-17 February 2011
_____, adapted and directed by Terence Davies, The Waves, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 17-18 May 2011
Wordsworth, William, The Prelude, BBC Radio 4, 8-15 May 2011
Wright, Nicholas, Mrs. Klein, BBC Radio 4, 20 December 2008
______, Vincent in Brixton, BBC Radio 4, 23 May 2015
Wright, Thomas, Death in Genoa, Made in Manchester/ Dark Side/ The Independent, 4 December 2009
Wyatt, Stephen, Dr. Brighton and Mr. Harding, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 11 January 2014
_____, Double Jeopardy, BBC Radio 4, 4 February 2011
_____, Memorials to the Missing, BBC Radio 7, 11 November 2008
______, The Shadow of Dorian Gray, BBC Radio 4, 26 May 2015
_____, Strangers on a Film, BBC Radio 4, 29 September 2011
Wycherley, William, The Country Wife, BBC Radio 3, 16 April 2008
Wyndham, John, adapted by John Constable, Chocky, BBC Radio 4 Extra, 28 May 2011
Yaffey, Eric, The Tree, Encore Radio, 2009
Yates, Michael, Sunday Afternoon Again, Encore Audio, 2009
Yeats, W. B., W. B. Yeats and the Artifice of Eternity, BBC Radio 3, 7 June 2015
Younger, Marshal, Chores no More, Adventures in Odyssey, 6 December 2011
Youngman, Abigail, The Road from Herat - a Life Story, BBC Radio 4, 18 March 2013
Zarr, George, Every Now and Then, Voices in the Wind, January 2012
Zephaniah, Benjamin, Hurricane Dub, BBC Radio 7, 4 August 2009
_____ , Listen to Your Parents, BBC Radio 7, 23 October 2009
Zeseman, Alexis, Deja Vu, BBC Radio 4, 4 February 2009
Ziegler, Philip, abridged by Eileen Horne, Olivier, BBC Radio 4, 4-8 November 2013
Zimmerman, Dieter, Brad Lansky and the Anti-Starc, Protophonic.net on Radio Drama Revival, 10 February 2012
Zola, Emile, adapted by Carine Adler, The Ladies Delight, BBC Radio 4, 25 September - 2 October 2010