Caedmon Records, Recorded 1956
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of
these three short stories “Why I live at the P.O.,” “Powerhouse,” and “The Petrified Man”
was Welty’s feeling for language. In “Why I Live at the P.O.” Welty dramatized the experience of a southern
family in which patriarchy was alive and well: fathers dominated their daughters, while unmarried women were expected to skivvy
around the house looking after everyone else. The central character puts up with this kind of life for a certain length of
time, but eventually decides to leave after her father lets off a firecracker in her bedroom at 6 a.m., just to see how she
would react. As the local postmistress, the narrator decides to up traps and live in her post office. Naturally this causes
great consternation amongst her fellow family-members, who not only feel that she is being ‘disloyal’ but cannot
believe that she can forge a new existence for herself. After six days alone, the narrator discovers to her delight that she
can exist alone, without worrying about anyone else, which bodes well for the future.
“Powerhouse” recorded the experience
of watching an African-American musical specialty act. While Welty was still imbued with the prejudices of her time, treating
the African-American as a second class citizen, she nonetheless has a feeling for his passion; his way of expressing his disquiet
and his desire for freedom through music. Like Langston Hughes, Welty realizes the possibilities of language and how it can
persuade as much through sound as sense. The ending of the story is particularly significant, as the lead singer repeats a
chorus of the popular song “Somebody Loves Me” and looks around at the entire audience before delivering the last
line “maybe it’s you.” In this line there a lurks a whole spectrum of meanings, not only dramatizing the
African-American’s desire for recognition, but his belief that all human beings are alike, regardless of skin colour.
“The Petrified Man” is another
tale of revelation. The eponymous hero is another specialty act, this time in a local funfair. Rumour has it that he is someone
imported from the African continent who has actually learned to act petrified: quite literally he has turned to stone. As
it turns out, the petrified man is not a foreigner but rather a local fugitive on the run from the police for committing three
rapes of young women. He is eventually brought to justice. But Welty’s concern is not so much with plot as situation:
the story is set in a beauty parlour, where groups of housewives gather both to pass the time of day and to obtain security
in numbers. This is their place of refuge, where they can escape their husbands and talk about the world. However Welty shows
that even this place cannot insulate itself from reality: however much these women may work, both for their families and for
themselves, they will always remain unfulfilled. This is brought out in the story’s last line, where a little boy observes
scornfully: “If you’re so sweet, why aren’t you rich?” This phrase sums up the shortcomings of the
1940s housewife; she may work hard, she may be devoted to her family, but still be unfulfilled.