Download The Master's Hungry Children from Campfire Radio Theater
Campfire Radio Theater, 12 May 2012
A macabre tale set at the end of World War II, The Master's Hungry
Children concerns a troupe of Nazi soldiers who visit a remote Romanian village that appears to be populated only by
an old man, women, children and animals. Eager for some food, drink, and whatever other pleasures might be on offer, the chief
officer orders a pig and a lamb to be slaughtered, in spite of the old man's protests. However things are not quite what they
seem: the Nazi officer encounters a mysterious person in a remote house, who tells him a story of how many of the people in
the village have been transformed into vampires, surviving on human flesh. The Nazi officer disbelieves the tale, and continues
his reign of terror. This is a foolish thing to do, as both him and his fellow-soldiers are destroyed in the end.
Well told with appropriately gory sound-effects, The Master's Hungry Children
depicts a primeval world in which normal conventions of good, evil, bad and good simply do not exist. There is a fragile balance
keeping everyone at peace: the Nazi officer's intervention destroys that balance, and he suffers thereby. Ably performed
by a cast including Ballentine (who did the sound-design as well), Glenn Haskell and Blaine Hicklin, this was a disturbing