Ika-Roa by Marcos Avlinitis and Richard Caves

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Listen to all episodes of Ika-Roa on East Leeds FM

ELFM UK, May-June 2012
On the desolate planet of Ika-Roa, two colonies struggle to co-habit peacefully after centuries cut off from the rest of the human race. Kara, the leader of the ritualistic First People, devoutly maintains her people’s isolationist traditions while their more moderate neighbours, led by the pragmatic Governor Warren, attempt to cope with spiralling population and hostile environmental conditions.Tense relations between the two groups are strained further when a trading ship discovers Ika-Roa…
So reads the blurb of this six-part science fiction drama, broadcast on British independent station ELFM. To be honest, I was not expecting much: there are many science fiction dramas of similar subject-matter available on podcast throughout the internet. However as I listened to it, I was presently surprised - despite the limited sound-effects and the occasional hesitation during the dialogue, the production was extremely entertaining to listen to. Writers Avlonitis and Caves obviously have a feeling for character, and know how to create gripping situations through taut, lively dialogue. The result was that Ika-Roa wasn't so much about the future, but about people; the clash of strong personalities and the desire for self-assertion.
An added bonus to each episode is the commentary provided by the writers, who discuss their aims and objectives for each episode. This proves beyond doubt their sincerity of purpose in creating this drama. I hope they continue working in the radio drama genre: I'm looking forward to hearing more examples of their work.