One Act Audio Theatre, October 2004
This story was first published in 1937 in English in Esquire
magazine. The straightforward plot involves three men tending a lighthouse on an island off the coast of French Guiana . An
abandoned ship, overrun by thousands of ferocious rats, runs aground. There follows a life-and-death struggle as
the hapless crew struggle to save themselves from a violent and lengthy demise.
The story was adapted by James Poe in 1949, and was revived in 1950 and 1953 with
different casts. Vincent Price performed the leading role three times in 1950, 1956 and 1958; it can therefore assume the
status of a classic.
One Act Audio Theater's revival, which received an honourable mention at the 2004
Ogle Award in the fantasy/ horror category, was a straightforward production, ably performed by Scott Crisp, John Parsons
and Glenn Carlson. The three protagonists had a variety of vocal tones that not only delineated the characters successfully,
but revealed the sheer stress of their ordeal: two of them hardly survived. The sound effects were truly scary - especially
the perpetual sound of the rats squeaking in the background. The director was Glenn Carlson.