Listen to Trans Mars Tango on Radio Drama Revival
National Audio Theatre Festival, 2011, Radio Drama Revival, July 2012
Billed as a comedy about a trans-gender detective on Mars, Trans
Mars Tango proved extremely entertaining listening - not so much for the plot, but for the dialogue, which positively
crackled with wit. Author Lee certainly knows a lot about how to create dramatic interaction between characters of different
genders and different vocal registers, as well as sustaining the element of surprise. Many audio dramas have plots that
are easily grasped and often prove hackneyed in structure: Trans Mars Tango had me hooked throughout its 30-minute
running time, simply because I could not anticipate the way in which the story would develop. I will not spoil future listeners'
pleasure by disclosing too much of it - suffice to say that it provides a fresh and original take on transgender issues.