This episodic radio drama in English set in Benin has some recognizable
elements: its title-theme is borrowed from The Deer Hunter, its episodic structure unfolds as a series of conflicts
between the principal protagonists interspersed with group scenes, while each episode ends on a cliff-hanger.
Although I did not get the chance to listen to many episodes, it seems to be that
producer Onuwaje and his writers (whose names I sadly did not catch) have a fine sense of structure. They understand how conflicts
- between individual family members, between the generations, and between friends - lie at the heart of most episodic drama.
Such elements not only sustain listener interest, but leave us wanting more.
I hope the series continues for a long time to come. However, I'd suggest that the
producer provides a cast list for the actors and the creative staff involved, as I would be more than happy to credit them
in future reviews.