Misfits Audio, June 2011
Another sci-fi spine-tingler from the Misfits Audio stable, producers
of what seems like an impossibly wide range of episodic dramas. Based on the original DC Comics creation, the drama
focuses on a group of superheroes, all of whom are characterized by a power ring and the ability to create solid constructs
with that ring. Their chief responsibility consists of preserving order in the universe. The first story appeared as long
ago as 1940.
In structural terms, these serial dramas are fairly straightforward;
the conflict between good and evil, with the Green Lanterns being threatened by a variety of bad guys, who seem to have studied
at the Tod Slaughter school of radio acting; they emit loud cackles at regular intervals, especially when they think they
are on top.
The cast includes several names familiar to online radio listeners: H.
Keith Lyons (Kilowog), Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard (Sodam Yat's Mother), and Kim Gianopoulos (Guardian No. 2). They seem
to be in so many of these audio dramas; it's often a pleasure to encounter them in different roles. All credit to executive
producer John Tadrzak for supporting this noble venture.