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Charlotte, a prehistoric woman, is discovered in a block of ice;
she is unearthed and subsequently transported to a science museum in France. Pierre, a disgruntled night shift janitor,
falls in love with her. However their affair is blighted by political upheaval: Parisian invaders attempt to export Charlotte
across the sea. Her journey unfolds as she melts while retrieving her memory bank. She must come to terms with the being
that ended her life in order to obtain another ...
As the plot suggests, The Lighted Bridge is an experimental work that makes
extensive use of radio's potential to conjure up different realities - not just the 'reality' of the story-line, but the 'realities'
of different modes of being. This is a play about shaping and reshaping; not just in terms of the plot, but in terms
of its style as well. Ingeniously combining song, sound-effects, music and dialogue, the drama resembles an aural
For listeners expecting what Wilkie Collins once described as the conventional
"I am's" of a text - logical plot, coherent characterization and well-signposted dramatic clues - The Lighted Bridge
might prove somewhat problematic. But if listeners are prepared to accept it at a subliminal level, as an attempt
to broaden radio's potential to create alternative worlds, then they should really enjoy it.