Misfits Audio, 24 June 2013
A chilling morality tale, narrated
with a nod towards Vincent Price by Steve Anderson, that was designed to recall the radio anthology series of the past.
Peter Sinclair (Peter Katt)
has spent his entire mortal life trying to achieve business success at everyone else's expense. Now he has met with
an unfortunate accident and been consigned to Hell. It is not a pleasant place for him; he has poor accommodations and
no particular job to do. He encounters Yop (Michelle Deco), who has been transformed into a bat, and finds out that
if he wants to improve himself, Peter has to go and see the Master (Scott Fortney). However that is no easy task; at
first Peter has to see the minion Huji (Eleiece Krawiec) and then ... perhaps ... he might see the Master.
Eventually he does so, and Peter is given a role as the Master's spy, to see whether Yop has
been showing due loyalty. However things do not quite turn out how Peter expects; his dreams of achieving power
and influence in a hellish context cannot be achieved.
tale of ambition and hubris, The Problems of Peter Sinclair is an amusing tongue-in-cheek tale, with a highly
beguiling central performance from Katt in the central role.