Hidden Frontier Productions, 28 July 2013
With the end of the web series
Star Trek: Hidden Frontier in 2007, various groups continued the series as spin-offs. Henglaar MD
continues the story of the medico of the USS Excelsior who was a regular on the show from its inception in 2000.
Played by John Whiting, the
eponymous hero comes across as a workaholic, someone dedicated to his job who surrounds himself with a trio of associates
- Lucas Noah (Timothy Fritts), Vonus (Jeannie Lin), and Profto (Mark Samarias). The drama arises from the conflicts
of interest between the doctor and Captain Dana Russell (Melodee M. Spevack) and Commander Vrelek (Michael McConnochie).
Lacking the background knowledge
that might render this series more familiar, I saw Graduation as a drama promoting the basic values of teamwork
and honesty - virtues that were especially important as a way of resisting the perpetual attempts made to prevent Henglaar
from continuing his work. Henglaar himself is something of a maverick figure, an aural equivalent of television's favourite
Dr. House (but without the limp).
The production values are refreshingly high, with a large cast performing a variety of roles, accompanied
by atmospheric music (from Mary Kouyoumdijan). This drama appeals to aficionados and non-aficionados of Star Trek alike.