Mad Geek Productions, 2008-
Laura Byron (Melissa D. Johnson)
is a rich spoilt brat who tries her best to destroy the legacy imposed on her by rejecting her upper class life and trying
to act as a 'normal' person. The task is a difficult one: with a strong-willed mother (Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard) trying
to control her every move, her powers of free will are limited, to say the least. She hires two outlaws, Tom (Andrew
Hackley) and George (Sean Patrick) to destroy her mother's military production facility; but as they embark on their
task, they find a series of obstacles put in their way.
This multi-part radio drama can be approached as an adventure serial which also offers a meditation on
gender preconceptions; does a society's expectations of what constitutes "masculine" or "feminine" behaviour inhibit freedom
of action, especially for those such as Laura, whose entire life has been ruled by her mother? The drama includes
several exciting scenes of conflict and resolution, performed by a cast of audio drama regulars such as Jensen-Woodard, Alex
Gilmour and Glenn Hascall.
A particular
feature of this audio drama has to be the multi-layered soundscape by Whitelaw, which gives the action depth and colour.
I congratulate him on his efforts.