All the Christmases: A Child’s
Christmas in Wales by Dylan
Thomas. Perf. Cerys Matthews. BBC
Radio 4, 25 December 2014. Download on BBCiPlayer
until 25 January 2015.
same set of reminiscences from Christmases past in Swansea – the town where
Thomas was born and grew up – as the BBC Wales production of the same text
(read by Matthew Rhys), this production offered a different version with
specially composed music by Mason Lee.
Matthews’s performance was very different; rather than adopting Rhys’s more
authoritative tone, she seemed more childlike, as if each new recollection of
past Christmases transported her back into a mythical past where everyone
enjoyed themselves, and the children could create their own fantasy-worlds of derring-do,
interrupted only by such mundane rituals as meal-times. Lee’s music, with
its variety of melodies,
functioned as a major protagonist in this production by setting up a dialogue
with Matthews’s narration; on various occasions it “voiced” the feelings of the
narrator’s friends, his relatives, and his muse.
dramatic than the BBC Wales production, but no less entertaining, it would be
shame not to catch it before it is removed from the BBC iPlayer.