BBC Radio 7, 10 April 2010
This cautionary tale told of Mr. John Daunce (David Calder), a retired
tradesperson, leading an ordered life of breakfast, lunch and dinner with his two daughters, regular visits to the Sir Something's
head with his two drinking buddies, and occasional walks. One day his life is turned upside down as he visits an oyster shop
and encounters the assistant Fanny (Samantha Spiro), a young girl who offers him plenty of oysters, brandy, and a sympathetic
era. From then on the story follows a predictable course: Daunce plies Fanny with gifts and chat in the belief that she has
fallen in love with him, but discovers to his cost that she has been leading him on. Once his friends, notably Jones (Ioan
Meredydd) called him a "sly dog", but now they think of him as a very "dull dog." However the experience does have its good
side, as Daunce discovers an alternative to his regular, ordered life and starts another flirtatious relationship with a young
woman in a tobacconist's shop.
Narrated with wry humour by Boz (Nicholas Farrell), this short story in the second
series of Sketches by Boz showed Dickens' lighthearted side, as he enjoys the experience of watching an old fool
taking an amorous wrong turning.