The Institute of Ideas - Two Valleys Radio
Two Valleys Radio, 26 February 2012
The second in a series of programmes mounted in the Institute of
Ideas strand, where members of the Holmfirth Writers Group presented examples of their work - short stories, poems, and
even short plays - based on the theme of community. That word was interpreted in many many different ways: a human community,
a community of beings on earth, the significance of community, even the lack of community spirit. On several occasions I understood
from the readers' voices that what they were doing was not just a rhetorical exercise - in other words, creative writing just
for the sake of it - but a heartfelt expression of their inner feelings. Perhaps the modern world has gone too far in the
direction of individualism; maybe people need to rethink their relationship to those around them. For me this was the overwhelming
theme of the entire sequence: the Holmfirth Writers Group itself is a living example of the power of community.
Now that Last of the Summer Wine has reached the end of its run, perhaps
it's time to think about the Holmfirth area in a new way - not just as a collection of honey-coloured stone buildings, green
fields and Ronnie Hazelhurst's nostalgic music. The Holmfirth Writers Group are making great efforts to facilitate this task.
I look forward eagerly to next month's offering.