Download the First Episode of Out of Time
Nother Theatre, October 2011
A time-travel adventure set in a high school. When a girl goes missing,
and stories are told about a door that goes nowhere, four students take it upon themselves to prove that the story is true.
One student goes further than the others; her desire to find out what lies behind the door leads her into a world where
time as we understand it no longer exists, and return to her real world is difficult, if not impossible.
Performed by a cast including Elizabeth Iezzi, Elhayym Campbell, Amanda Cooper
and the memorably named Elliot Skywalker, Out of Time is a good example of a drama drawing on sources both ancient
and modern. The theme of temptation - what lies behind the door - goes right back to the Fall, especially when a
young woman is involved. The unseen force, here called Kendra (played by Skywalker) is both corporeal and psychological, representing
the darkest forces lurking within a person's soul. The high-school setting is appropriate: students are not only learning
academic subjects, but learning something about themselves. Out of Time shows this learning process in extreme form.
Unfortunately the Nother website ( does not announce if and when the second episode of this drama will appear. I hope it will be sooner rather than later;
I want to know what happens next.